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RE: Having Kids

in Reflections5 months ago

Okay the opinion here is coming from someone without kids, which usually is enough reason for other parents to dismiss the opinion in general 'because what do you know'...

But I always think it is a genius idea to explore and take the youngsters with you. I think it always helps with their development and learning how to adjust to new place. But mayeb even more important, it seems like a good idea for the parents as well to explore and do new stuff for the general state of mind

But.....(there is always a but) I do think a lot of parents tend to forget that travelling and exploring with little ones needs some serious adjustment. Lower pace, still time for naps. Maybe the visiting country has a culture where dinner time is 10 pm while that is the time they should normally be in bed.

In other words, vacay aint the same as you might expect. But thats no reason to not do it!
But heck, what do I know ;))

(PS for no good reason I had not expected your appearance like this, I though more spooky as I had never seen snaps before...Cute girls as well there dude!!)


Yes, reality is often more surprising than perception :)

This is taken a few years back in Cancun, kids are bigger, and we are older, but here is my family.
