Imagine a world

in Reflections2 years ago

Hey guys, hope you all had a wonderful day and weekend. We hear everyday from people around us that they have been deceived by one person or two or that they have been betrayed by someone and they could not trust people anymore.

People complain about how the streets are no longer safe, they can't pass a person on the road without having doubts about that person.

Well have you ever thought or imagined a world where there was no form of mistrust, where everyone did not see any reason to backstab or deceive people.


A world full of honesty and trust, a world where you didn't have to always check your backs to be sure you are safe when you are walking alone. A world where you could instantly and immediately trust a person when he/she tells you something without a speck of doubt.


A world where you could leave your property with a stranger and have that confidence that you can come back and see it still in one, a world where you could leave your unfinished food in a restaurant or any public place, go to the restroom and come to eat that same food without feeling that something bad has happened to it.

A world where there is no misunderstanding, where no one is trying to climb the other person to get to where he/she wants to be.

What a wonderful, peaceful and lovely world that would be. Is it actually possible for us to achieve that?

I know people will possibly just laugh this off and say that this kind of world will never exist and that it only happens in one's imagination, never in real life.

I was just thinking though😅 could to you imagine a world like this or you don't think there is a possibility that it exists. I would like to know your thoughts.

Lots of love from jhymie 🥰



Hola chicos, espero que todos hayan tenido un día y un fin de semana maravillosos. Escuchamos todos los días de las personas que nos rodean que han sido engañadas por una o dos personas o que han sido traicionadas por alguien y ya no pueden confiar en la gente.

La gente se queja de cómo las calles ya no son seguras, no pueden pasar a una persona por la carretera sin tener dudas sobre esa persona.

Bueno, ¿alguna vez has pensado o imaginado un mundo en el que no había forma de desconfianza, donde todos no vieron ninguna razón para apuñalar o engañar a la gente.


Un mundo lleno de honestidad y confianza, un mundo en el que no tenías que revisar siempre tus espaldas para estar seguro de que estás a salvo cuando caminas solo. Un mundo en el que puedas confiar instantáneamente e inmediatamente en una persona cuando te diga algo sin un espectro de dudas.


Un mundo donde podrías dejar tu propiedad con un extraño y tener esa confianza de que puedes volver y verla todavía en uno, un mundo donde podrías dejar tu comida sin terminar en un restaurante o en cualquier lugar público, ir al baño y venir a comer esa misma comida sin sentir que algo malo le ha pasado.

Un mundo donde no hay malentendidos, donde nadie está tratando de escalar a la otra persona para llegar a donde quiere estar.

Qué mundo tan maravilloso, pacífico y encantador sería. ¿Es realmente posible para nosotros lograr eso?

Sé que la gente posiblemente se reirá de esto y dirá que este tipo de mundo nunca existirá y que solo sucede en la imaginación de uno, nunca en la vida real.

Estaba pensando aunque😅 podría imaginarte un mundo como este o no crees que exista la posibilidad de que exista. Me gustaría conocer tus pensamientos.

Mucho amor de jhymie🥰

Translated with Hi Translate


A world like that would be Eden! That’s for sure. Lol. It’s unfortunate that we can’t imagine all that happening because the world has shifted and twisted making it hard for even the good ones to remain themselves.

Came in through Dreemport

Yeah, the world has shifted to a negative direction and come back to it's original is close to impossible. Thanks for stopping by.

Indeed if wishes were horses beggars would ride, I would love such a wonderful and simple world like this😊😊

Always a #dreemerforlife

It would have been a wonderful world. Thanks for your reply.

It's a possibility but it will be very difficult to achieve. Moreover without all those negative things happening, we will be limited, there are a lot things that we might not be able to even discover. In fact the world might come to the an end😂😂 just kidding about that line though.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

I agree that it will be difficult to achieve or we might never achieve it, but it's not bad to think about it.

LoL .. it's more than good dear... Ride on, I'll join you later 😁


That world may be nice but I guess it could also be sort of boring and maybe no one would want to move forward. They would be utterly relaxed cause they know there's nothing at stake.
I love your thoughts.🌺

Yeah, because there will be nothing or no one to challenge you everyday. Thanks for you comment.