There are just a few days left until the end of the year, and like every December I am full of thoughts and I stop to reflect at every moment on how my life is at the moment. I have told myself over and over again that 2024 has been a good year for me, and in retrospect I see everything that happened and it seems that I am right, but I wonder, do external achievements really represent the feeling I have inside? Is everything that the work team has achieved really a personal achievement as well? Or maybe I'm fooling myself? I only know that really this year my life was like looking up at the sky, sometimes I had clear and bright days and other times I had gray and very cloudy days, almost black. It is always the same, but 2024 was a little more particular.
This year concluded a transformation of my mind and my spirit that began two years ago with an accident that showed me how easy it is for life to change in a second, and it was not me who suffered the accident. I have spent all of 2024 discovering that Jesus who, although he is still kind, is now more selective with the people around him, that Jesus who understood that the most important thing is peace of mind and had to reject people, places, activities and customs, in fact I discovered that I should not carrythe problems of the people I love, I just have to offer help, be present in case they need me and if they want to save themselves, but not interfere or let anyone interfere, especially when they are not willing to improve.
Everyone has a process, and mine has been pretty special. I have looked for tools to help me improve as a person and leave behind the pain that the past caused me. I still have a way to go, but there is nothing left of that Jesus from two years ago. There is something I want to clarify, and that is that I don't necessarily feel 100% good about all of this. I may have found stability to live with more peace, but I still haven't finished getting rid of what makes me feel selfish, knowing that I can feel like I'm in heaven and making good decisions even if I see that others are still stuck in the abyss, especially when it comes tofamily, but as I said above, everyone has to decide to improve. I believe that when I finish getting rid of these thoughts I will find true calm.
Just today, December 28, I think the only thing that disturbs me is the instability of the people I love, feeling that I have the tools in my hands to help them, but that they are not willing to accept them, or the opposite, feeling that I have no in my hands everything they really needand that is why what I offer you is of no use to you. I don't know what their reasons are, but I do know that even these feelings I have to let go, and that sometimes it's not just about my family; I remember that when I traveled to Spain I visited the most beautiful place in the world, it is called Comillas in Cantabria, and that day I knew peace and happinessindescribable, and I cried, I cried because I felt that my country also needed to be there, experiencing so much beauty. It may be a nice feeling, but I'm not a superhero, I can't feel that bad for everyone.
The path to mental peace and spirituality seems selfish, but it is definitely not, in fact achieve it, shine and truly project that peace by helping others, I have been helped by many people who have achieved mental stability in their lives. lives, and I guess in the end thatIt might be the best way for me to help others too. Although I continue to get to know this new Jesus, I know that there is still a long way to go, but I can't stop anymore, I see beauty in everything and I enjoy every day as if it were the last, but many things still bother me, silly things, and I get over them very quickly. , but I want to leave them behind.
I will not say that the change will begin from January 1st, in fact I no longer believe that putting dates at the beginning of something, it only begins and at any moment, but I do hope that 2025 will be a year to put into practice everything that I intend and continue to feel like sky, a high andchangeable, but it's more beautiful when it's clear... Here's to that 🥂
Putting dates on changes is a bit absurd. Everything happens naturally calmly... I know you changed many things and for the better. Changes are not bad as long as they are for good, for growth and improvement. Congratulations on that my Jesus. Greetings and toast to you.
Gracias preciosa, tus palabras son claras y precisas. Me alegra que seas de esas personas que hicieron especial mi 2024, así sea en la distancia, no importa, amo la gente sincera y hermosa. Gracias muchachas, @elbuhito y tú, espero reciban el año nuevo en familia y ojalá 2025 traiga sorpresas gratas para todos nosotros 🙏
Thank you so much and Happy New Year!!! 😘
Each one has a process and as I say a time, each one is prepared for their moment, the important thing in this life is to become aware, we come to something in particular and when we fulfil it we leave, simple as that. It was and is a real pleasure to have met you, you are a great person. A being of light
Así es amiga, aunque algunos no se van muy bonito, pero bueno... Por acá ya estamos preparándonos, para ti ya debe ser casi la hora jajaja, un abrazote...
Son las 20:06 jajaja preparando la cena!!! jajaja gracias! Abrazo!!
How are you dear friend @jesuslnrs
What a pleasure to read you, I appreciate that you have shared this life experience and reflection
I hope that this year 2025 you will put into practice everything you set out to do, to continue feeling that you are in heaven.
Happy New Year 2025 my friend, may happiness, love, peace, health and prosperity never be lacking
Amen brother, yes I am struggling with myself to put all my goals into practice and leave procrastination behind for good, I am excited about the new year. I send you a hug, it won't be long now...
I hear you there, I don't do New Year's resolutions. Change happens when you're ready for it, otherwise it doesn't. Here's hoping that this world of ours is better in the next year, the last couple have been pretty ugly.
Very wise words my friend, you only change when you really want to, without a date or a goal, just start acting differently. Here we are already counting the hours, I hope you are having a good time too...
Hola, amigo @jesuslnrs no logro subir la foto de portada al post... mira y lee esto:
Allí cuento parte de las vicisitudes pasadas para publicar :(
Thank you 🙏