Where does the change start?

in Reflections3 months ago

Sometimes it's up to us to unite against ourselves. Yes !!!. Just as you read it and I'm going to explain them to you.

Sometimes we don't know if we have an emotional problem that deserves to go to therapy, I usually go once every 15 days and it helps me a lot with the changes that come daily with the eagerness of life.

Time to seek help.

We are not so big, nor so powerful to think that we cannot suffer emotional problems.

I will make it easy for you, this that I am writing to you, is what I have learned going to therapy, for more than 30 years, they are behaviors that I cannot avoid and that constantly make me suffer or get into trouble. When I'm like this, with a behavior that makes me suffer, I run out to therapy.

How do I know if I have a behavior that makes me suffer? Here I comment them with some examples:

Getting into relationships that give me more suffering than love. Not communicating efficiently with others is part of self-sabotage, almost always, this last one I mention has fucked up my existence.

Being impulsive, anxious, or depressed.

Other examples of behaviors that cause me suffering and that I have experienced almost all of them at different stages of my life, are: Constant mood swings, permanent distrust, and the fears and insecurities that do not let me live, when they enter my house without knocking on the front door.

Emotional problems are not only in behavior. They can also be seen in things like:

Constant pessimism, Hopelessness or lack of motivation, negative feeling of the future, this gives me a lot of anxiety, and family difficulties, which are always multiplying, I think it happens to all of us.

They may also include:

Ambivalent feelings towards your loved ones. Repeated failures in your work or profession. Complex or low self-esteem.Tendency to hurt yourself or traumas that affect daily life.

It is important to look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves. Have you honestly asked yourself: do I have an emotional problem that deserves attention?

Telling the truth to ourselves is "that famous first step with which all recovery begins... Believe me, if it is difficult to go to therapy? It is not easy to take that first step.

I see too many people fighting against themselves. I notice them being enemies of their own behaviors. It's like they hate each other.

They criticize themselves ruthlessly, treat themselves badly, feel ugly, defective, imperfect, bad, guilty and stop counting. They would never treat others the way they treat themselves, but they don't realize that.

This is where the change starts.

Janitze 🌹

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL