After the triple open heart bypass surgery for my husband, this November 5th of the current year, we have to wait for him to recover, and that will take a few months.
The most difficult thing for us is to repeat the process once again, to emigrate again, my husband and I, almost 10 years later...Could it be that the great philosopher Schopenhauer had the truth in his hands? "All life is suffering.".. No one owns the absolute truth" but how does that statement of this philosopher feel real.
Emigrating is very difficult, it is a profound and courageous decision. Migration generates a lot of anxiety and frustration. In our case (my husband and I) because our country does not offer us the minimum possible to have at least the minimum quality of life and we do not only do it for the money which is the main thing, we do it because our country does not offer us health at the time of a medical emergency or justice at the time of insecurity.
What I think...
A person who emigrates is trying to transform his life and become better in order to provide protection and security to himself and his family.
It takes a lot of courage to emigrate, because you have to give up everything and take the first step, that's not so easy.
Emigrating is a very personal decision of each person or family, just as there are others who have a hard time, migrating is not a slide to success either, there are migrants who go through it and are having a very bad time, on the other hand there are others who are doing very well, each person or family has their very particular needs and goals.
What is clear to me is that wherever one goes one takes with her the "unresolved", and to stay is to really renounce that option of emigrating, because she makes the decision to stay and see how the fuck she adapts and carries out a transformation process, that in the midst of difficulties ideas and attitudes arise that almost completely change our personality and we began to see facets of our personality, which were unknown because we did not see them...
They are two sides of the same coin.
We also understand that true happiness translates into tranquility, and NOT into material goods.
I really admire those who dare to leave, there are those of us who are terrified of the idea of emigrating and we try to solve it in our country of origin. As much as possible I try to be empathetic with both positions of people who decide to "leave or stay".
For now, my husband and I are meditating on our options to emigrate next year, because the decision is deep within ourselves.
Janitze 🦋
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva
Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Translation with |DeepL
I think emigrating it's a very very difficult choice , I think I will not be able to male this choice only if I will be forced from the worst situation 😭
Sometimes the one who stays and does not emigrate is just as brave as the one who emigrates, we agree, it is a difficult and very personal decision @noemilunastorta
The important thing is change, transformation and staying inside in both situations to stay or to leave...🙌