Happiness is a journey, not a destination

You can't go through life with the attitude of "Take off yourself to put on me". Firstly, respect for our fellow human beings. Be grateful, help and reach out to those who need it and unconditionally. To be humble, kind. We are beings of light and as such we shine with our own light, so it is not necessary to be under the shadows of others.

Let's keep in mind that life is to be lived in harmony and that we came to this world to be happy. But above all, let's keep in mind that happiness is on the journey and not a destination, since when we arrive at it is to reap the fruits of what we have sown along the way.

Why hate a person for being from another country? Because you have a different religion or have different financial resources than yours?

Life changes, the world turns and we with it, everything can change. Let's be more human. Humility is the most unmistakable characteristic of the truly great. Humility is the best way to thank life for its successes.

How beautiful it is to leave a mark on the hearts of those who knew us when we are no longer on this plane. You can help in so many ways. Above all, remembering how we started our paths and enlightening the walker who undertakes it.

How nice it is to meet someone successful (success is different for everyone) who is characterized by his simplicity and humility... How beautiful it is to see how someone opens their heart to you without selfishness. It is good to aspire to reach the top, and even more so. To reach high, without limits, but without stepping on anyone to climb. Without forgetting to bring a benefit to humanity.

To be close, empathetic, affable, kind, respectful and generous... Those are the virtues that make us great!. How about we all try to practice it?

To those who suffer from that miserable evil called xenophobia, I say: Nothing enriches the culture of a people more than the exchange of races and customs.

I know that the fact that my country has been so generous and supportive to other countries in their difficult times does not force them to be just as kind and kind to us now (not everyone knows that gratitude is the memory of the heart) but to those citizens who hate us, at least be respectful, show that they have education and a normal cognitive and cultural level. And also that his mental balance is optimal.

I say goodbye with a phrase that marked me and I never forget and here I leave them: "In this world there are only two types of people: good people and bad people" from my favorite movie My name is Khan.

Everything else is ephemeral and of no real importance.

That is the only thing that differentiates us and makes some of us be valuable beings and others not: The quality of the soul. I want to make it clear that with this opinion I am not inciting hatred so that I will not be reprimanded, and I conclude with this beautiful and profound phrase "The only way for evil to triumph is for the good ones to do nothing". Let's try to be better human beings.

And with this flower of my garden on my hands (cover image", I close this airy March ... to give you the entrance to the rainy, flowery, and beautiful month of April. Happiness exists per se, it is free and immortal, in these times of reflection, maturity, and decision-making. Without these ingredients, happiness is lost on the trip.

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Icons by: Icofinder

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Translation with |DeepL


Is beauty, "Be grateful" is all

Thank you so much, I appreciate your appreciation in your words, thank you for admiring the beauty of this flower. 🍀

Bonita reflexión amiga, así es, me encanto la flor que linda.Saludos💚

Thank you, friend, so it is every day when only the truth remains when we choose to be happy with who we are.

Thank you, for admiring the beauty of this flower, it is your reflection.🌺