Fear is good because ...

in Reflections3 months ago

It keeps me on my toes.

Look, when we have a dream, a goal, an objective, there will be no shortage of people who stand in our way.

It is an indisputable fact of life: no path to success is flat, it is straight, there will always be stumbles, obstacles, detours.

And, in this sense, on our route we will always meet people who do not want us to arrive, who will look for ways to discourage, to demotivate, to make us give up on our dreams, our goals, our dreams.

What's left for us? Well, moving on.

Leave behind those who want to get in the way. To overcome any obstacle we encounter, understanding that slowing down or slowing down does not mean abandoning our goal. It's time to shake off those people and move on.

It is there that motivation and resistance make the personality, in us.

Learn to listen to the voices of the people who encourage you, support you, who propose solutions and alternatives, or who give you constructive criticism because they believe in you, and far from slowing down our progress, it drives us to continue.

And although there will always be people who criticize us, hate us, want to throw stones at us in our way, the important thing is what we think about ourselves.

It is to overcome our fears, our traumas, fears and complexes...because nothing is stopping us anymore.

We all have the right to go our own way, when I find someone trying to close the doors in my way, do you know what I do? He didn't let me fuck up, I keep going, I persist!.

What matters is not my mistake but what comes next, my desire to grow, to add.

For now I don't cling to what no longer adds up; the emptiness that remains is the space for something better.

The biggest and best way to shut mouths that criticize everything, is to successfully achieve everything they told me when they intended to sow fear, and that I would not achieve, so as much as possible I use in my favor everything they tell me against.

I am totally convinced that the intelligent person sees futures of opportunity and does not stay crying because someone told him that he would not make it.

Overcoming any obstacle that we encounter, understanding that slowing down or slowing down does not mean abandoning our goal, it's about going slowly but without pause.

In times of great uncertainty, it is essential to approach everything that connects us with drive, impulse, go forward and up with growth.

And for those who are self-depredating, self-destructing in their projects, in their goals, the main thing is to put a stop to that destructive dialogue, a red flag to the impostor, that we carry inside. It had to be said!!!.

Happy day, beautiful week to all, may it be of achievements, goals and dreams come true.

Janitze. 🌹

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


That picture of cat is a little wild. haha

This cat says: I'm not afraid, I'm happy I'm in this garden lol...😻

"The biggest way to shut mouths that told me it's impossible is to achieve my dreams."
Thank you ❤️

Exact precision and daily work to achieve your goals, your dreams those that are your guides to move forward.