Not perfect, and that, personally, is the first step to strengthen our well-being, to learn to manage external judgments, and to understand what we feel, to make safer decisions.
That's what taking off the mask is all about, starting by releasing it in front of the mirror, in front of oneself.
Many times we fall into a game of appearances, we forget the most important thing: our authenticity.
True self-esteem is not built by pleasing others, but by accepting who we are, with our lights and our shadows.
Why pretend to be someone else? Every time we do, we move a little further away from our true essence. It's time to take off those masks and show the world who we really are.
Being yourself is the foundation of self-love and a solid self-esteem.
Accepting our imperfections is the first step towards true trust. No one is perfect, and that's okay.
That's why being yourself is a high-risk sport, because when you succeed, that's when you realize that you have to learn to live with some shadows of your own.
So if we want to be free...
Let us tell the world our truth and we will be truly free.
For example, the last month of the year 2024 is starting, December, apart from Christmas and the positive feelings that this time of year brings, it also brings feelings linked to nostalgia and loneliness.
So to get this month off to a good start, today I want to share with you about those feelings that can spoil our mood. Being alone is very difficult and it is also a painful process, my eldest daughter after her divorce has learned to live alone and little by little she is learning from her process.
She tells me that she loves being alone, listening to music, reading and watching movies.
Certainly the pressure of social judgment can be overwhelming. What to do when we get singled out for making a decision that you know is right?
External judgment is inevitable.
There will always be someone who criticizes what we do. But here comes the important thing: Are we acting from our values or from the fear of "what will they say"? Whose judgment is this, and why do we accept it?.
So, when we are judged, we must examine the judgment to validate whether it is fair or only reflects the values of another. This is always good to consider in order to protect our peace. Not every criticism deserves our attention.
It is very healthy to set limits and learn to say "NO" and this does not make us selfish. It makes us human. Often the judgment of others hurts because it touches your own insecurities. In these situations, the key is to work on ourselves to understand where our decisions come from, reaffirm our values, and learn to uphold them in front of others.
Janitze 🌹
Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva
Translation with |DeepL