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RE: The “It’s A Distraction” Conspiracy Bias…

in Reflections4 months ago

I have encountered people who insist every big story is a distraction to cover up what's really going on. Some of them are also buried in other conspiracy theories, whether it's illuminati secret societies ruling the world, flat earth, planet X/Nibiru, whatever. And yes, their own pet theories distract them as much as they claim the masses are being deceived.




I love this one.
Especially because the virus one is an ad for pasta or some shit.
Is that fireworks? Nobody knows!

The entire concept of predictive programming is dubious...
the strategy is to just go back in time after the fact and find any coincidence possible.
There's a 1000% chance you're going to find something.

The Texas Sharpshooter fallacy strikes again, this time with extra confirmation bias!