Sometimes you just have to make yourself the priority. Move the OTHER things around to accommodate this important need. If you break down, the rest of it can't be done anyway, so it needs to move to the number 1 slot. Why should your personal time always be the last to have to fit in?
I know that is easier to say than do, but for real, that's taking care of YOU, so you can do all the other things that other's need or want from you.
Yep, I agree with you on this, the difficulty sometimes can be putting it into action. I did over the weekend though and now...Monday morning again. 😭
Dang old Monday !
I guess I can't say I never want to see another one 😄 but it would be nice if there was a way to make it more pleasant somehow. I've still got this evening before I face it again. Ugh..... I'm trying not to think about it so it doesn't mess up my evening.
Enjoy your evening and and Monday will come around in due course and you'll deal with it as you always do, same for me.
I'm sitting at my dining table finishing breakfast but will be in the car soon and on the way to work. I'm not sure how I feel about that...yes I do. Shit! 🤣
Shit indeed !
Hope you have a safe ride in.