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RE: Follow a Sheep

in Reflections9 months ago

Are you a leader or a follower
Question that many prefer not to answer and remain in their world of being strong and charismatic when they are nothing more than sheep following the herd led by a delusional idiot.
I'm not looking at you Mr. funny mustachioed Austrian nationalist.
What I find saddest is that they ignore their own values and principles as a human being just for the sake of
"not to be out of the society"
Those kind of people are simply disgusting and repulsive to me 🤢.


Every thing lives on a spectrum and can be taken to extremes. I feel that because we have reduced the public discourse to polarized, binary positions - we are more prone to extremism, because those who are attracted to a particular topic, don't have the nuance of many topics in their mind. They are single-minded and looking to destroy their enemy, not looking to improve the situation for all.