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RE: Tears of a Forgotten Child

in Reflections2 months ago

I wonder why she was so excited to get them on meds? So that they could be like "the other families"? So that she wouldn't have to feel so bad for the kids having more energy (normal) and being (seemingly) outta control? I try to steer clear from people who are overly happy about getting themselves or their family members on meds of any kind.

These drugs are certainly rotting our youth. I do think there will be outliers and "greats" in the next few generations who slip through this mass of dumbed and zombified followers, as in all generations. Remember, 100 years ago they didn't have these medications, nor the Internet, and yet still the vast majority was of followers and zombies. Ours are different zombies, but the truth is, in any generation, the large majority will be followers, not leaders.


I wonder why she was so excited to get them on meds?

She wants her free time. She can't handle them, and wants to be able to spend time on her phone too. Her words. I don't think the kids are out of control at all.

I do think there will be outliers and "greats" in the next few generations who slip through this mass of dumbed and zombified followers, as in all generations.

But, what will be needed to be great? An outlier will depend on the masses too - they might not need be that far out to seem great.