This kind of thinking has become a personal enemy for me I mean it really causes me big problems in my life I always think about everything and I delve into the details of everything in an exaggerated way and when I think a lot about a small thing this affects my life greatly whether in my work relationships or even in my thinking about myself.
In fact I envy people who live their lives simply without worrying about thinking about everything in a precise way They see the world as it revolves naturally and everything is going as it is As for me no matter how simple the situation is I have to turn my mind and analyze everything and thats why I sometimes feel that life is not as easy as it should be.
“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”
Marcus Aurelius
This speaks to the idea of not getting stuck in overthinking or analysis paralysis, but instead focusing on action and living in the present.
If you see a tree you will see it as an ordinary tree but me and some people like me we see this tree and many questions come to our minds Why is it here Why are the leaves this color Is there something wrong with the soil Is there something affecting its growth This makes us always drown in thinking to the point that we forget to live the moment as it is.
Of course this is not easy because overthinking everything makes a person complicate himself a lot I mean sometimes I see people living their moments simply not caring about the small details as I do Maybe if I were like them I would live more comfortably but I cannot imagine life without thinking about everything from every angle.
But at the same time I have to admit that this thinking makes me be more aware and I can notice things that others may not see That is when I observe something like a tree or even a small situation I may learn something bigger from it or discover something new But the problem is that sometimes thinking makes me live in the future more than the present so I miss opportunities to live the moment or enjoy it as it is.
People who live spontaneously you might say they are not interested or not living deeply but in reality they are not very concerned with the future and that is something we may need to learn If we can find a balance between thinking and living in the moment we may be able to live a more calm and balanced life.
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I relate very well to this. Over analysing a situation or a thing when we would have just seen it from a light perspective which would resolve to less complications in our head.