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RE: Living Someone Elses Dreams

in Reflections3 months ago

It's nothing short of soul sucking when you give something your best shot and find yourself feeling undervalued and unappreciated anyhow... I think it is illuminating how many studies have shown that just basic employee appreciation can have MASSIVE effects on a company's productivity and profit margins.

I hope you find a balance between self-employment/contracting and a traditional gig that brings you joy and prosperity. It's awesome that you recognize the need for such things; so many of us rot away at a job we hate until retirement. Why stuff all of our hard work into some jerk's pockets?


Soul Sucking

It's nothing short of soul sucking when you give something your best shot and find yourself feeling undervalued and unappreciated anyhow...

This is a great way to describe the way you feel when your hard work is not appreciated.

I think it is illuminating how many studies have shown that just basic employee appreciation can have MASSIVE effects on a company's productivity and profit margins.

I don't know why, but I think humans sould intuitively feel the need to recognize the hardwork of others, and failing to do so is problematic. Either your to busy to notice, which is self defeating or you are equipped to care, which is sad.

  • I hope your not stuck, that would suck, good luck moving on...