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RE: Nothing We Need

in Reflections29 days ago

We can spend our time on technological advancement and building solutions to our resource problems, but it all becomes irrelevant if it isn't attached to our human needs in a way that all of them are being treated. As I have said before, the economy is a pyramid scheme that looks to keep growing, even if it does through by generating the appearance of growth, like what happens with wealth. But, if humanity isn't growing, if we aren't getting better, it is meaningless growth and will devour us, and like a mould that runs out of bread to feed on - humanity will die.

As I see it, our attention is more often than not, misplaced. The economy doesn't care about misplacement of expenditures, as it just flexes and shifts with consumption demand. However, when we spend more time watching a screen than with building the relationships for friendship, intimacy and love, other aspects of our needs go unserviced, become brittle, and collapse. and our individual pyramid, crumbles.

Do you believe you have the power to change the world?
I wonder if you consider yourself Finnish!
I wonder if you can be the first to change Finland in the direction you want!Dear @tarazkp !

I think Finland is a socialist world! So, I thought you were a socialist!


I always find it strange how you can only see the world through textbook labels.

I always find it strange how you can only see the world through textbook labels.

First of all, I want you to remember that my English level is that of an American elementary school student!😅Dear my bro @tarazkp !