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RE: Gratitude & Reflection.

in Reflections8 months ago

I hope your 2024 will be even better, filled with pleasant surprises and successes in all aspects of your life. Your experiences with everyday dangers are truly inspiring.

I wish you continued growth and fulfillment in the coming days, weeks, and months. I wish you all the happiness in the world. And I mean every word of it; although I don't know you personally, from what I read about you, I sincerely believe you deserve it!


Thanks for your sincere wishes, I truly appreciate your genuine gesture towards this post!

I'm so glad that I get to see you here on my post it has been a while since I visited your posts...will be doing so henceforth. I came back from travels and I am back on hive for good.

How's dreemport...?
Hope you have been submitting your posts and joining challenges we have on site?

When you first introduced me to Dreemport, the concept seemed complex at first, especially as I was just starting out on Hive.

Shortly afterwards, @dreemsteem took me under his wing. Initially, I only participated once a week. Then, little by little, my participation intensified.

This week, I think I've only missed one day!

What I particularly appreciate is that, in addition to actively contributing to the platform, it allows me to discover varied content, different from my usual reading on other platforms.

Oh, gorgeous!

That sounds great and I'm glad you had to join afterward, I had schedules that took my time back then plus the network issues.

I'm sorry it was complex for you at that time, I should have let you breathe hehe but on the other hand, you are a good writer and I wanted a spotlight on your posts.

BTW Dreemsteem is a gorgeous woman and am grateful she had to help you navigate better.

How's your van trip and your family?

Haha, no, it's okay, I'm very happy to have experienced all this at an early age. It helped me better understand the whole ecosystem and the projects around it.

Above all, it helped me connect with different people from different backgrounds, and that's great!

As for my van trips, at the moment they've come to a halt. My girlfriend and I bought a plot of land on which there's a little cabin, and we want to fit it out properly so that we can live there as independently as possible. It's an exciting project, but it requires a bit of money and, above all, a lot of time!

Oh great!

Thanks for understanding and I wish you success in your newest life discovery.