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RE: Life's ladder

in Reflections • last year

Thanks you, from what I'm told I was a pretty decent little kid I guess, although I haf my mischievous moments too...and was punished accordingly. 🤪

I have worked hard to be who I am, far from perfect for sure, but generally a good person I'm told. I believe so too. All my life experiences have helped make that possible, and whilst I've got many things wrong, I have gotten th m right also.

Thank you for your kind words which ai appreciate you saying, and for taking the time to comment.


Ohh no, being perfect I think would be pretty boring and I don't think you are boring at all.

Thanks to you for always responding 😉

I agree, being a little imperfect leaves room for some more interesting moments, and situations from which to learn. I prefer continual improvement over seeking perfection.

I loved the idea of continuous improvement, perhaps perfection does not exist, as many things can be subjective.

By the way, thank you very much for all those hearts you have left in my comments, it has been a pleasant surprise to wake up and see all those notifications. You are very thoughtful and generou. Thank you for taking the time to do so, I really appreciate it and it means a lot 🤗

I sometimes go through and upvote a heap of comments for several users if my voting power is higher (hasn't been used up), I did that for several users yesterday, yourself included.

I am very happy to be among the lucky ones yesterday, it is an honour and a great incentive. Thank you very much Galenkp 😊

A pleasure, and I hope you have a great run into the end of the week. I've just written the #weekend-engagement topics for later today...I hope people find a few interesting ones there. Have a nice Friday when it arrives.

Here it's 3 hours before Friday, so I might be asleep by then. I'll make sure I have a relaxed morning because I have to work at 01:00 PM.

I feel some excitement when you say you've already written the topics for #weekend-engagement. I know it's one of Hive's favourite concepts. And of course, I include myself in that fan base.

It's admirable your dedication to #weekend-engagement, thinking up the topics, writing the post, reading the entries, voting on them, commenting on some, making the featured list, and yet while all that is going on you do other quality posts.

I'd like to do a daily post, but I often can't come up with ideas.