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RE: Does history suck?

in Reflections3 months ago

Changing the past (if possible) would change the present person also and that would bring a whole other set of changes or possibilities in the future. It's best to accept that whatever happened happened, for better or worse, and react to that. The problems arise when those course direction changes are not made. We most adapt, learn, overcome, improve and so forth, that is where better presents and futures start.

I think you're on the right track and your last line...I'd like to see a post on it from you; maybe I'll make a weekend-engagement topic about it.


Hmm...let's see here

I think you're on the right track and your last line...I'd like to see a post on it from you; maybe I'll make a weekend-engagement topic about it.

Would that be this last line from the first paragraph?

If you could go back and change one thing in your past, would you even be the same person today?

Or perhaps this one?

I still have more to think about on this subject.

My time as nursemaid is beginning to lessen a's been a full week now, so more time will be available after Wed/Thur. medical appointments.

The last line, "still have more to think about on this subject."

It suggested there's more thought to come if it and I'd be interested to read it someday.

When I write my posts I do so for myself but I'm often interested to hear what other people have to say about the topics I have on my mind at the time because other people's thoughts are sometimes of value, their perspectives.

I may just give that a go!