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RE: Not meant to last

in Reflectionslast year

I didn't know about that cash for clunkers thing...seems bonkers. And yet they keep pumping out cars, millions and millions of them with shorter and shorter lifespans. Par for the course for humans I guess.

I'm with you on the next two points; I am a prepper and am on it all the time, always looking for things that may come in handy and especially for things that are likely to be needed but are rising exponentially in cost. A good pair of boots goes a long way. With the debt thing...I agree. I've had some in my day, houses mainly, but I soon learned a better way forward and as the debt fell away I felt better and more free as it did.

There's so many people out there who can't, or don't want to see what's coming and...well, it'll not go well for anyone, but least of all those people.