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RE: Life's ladder

in Reflectionslast year

I think my experiences in life have led me to be more pragmatic, a realist, to see things for what they are and have the ability to deal with them either internally or with external action. I also have a fairly strong sense of code, honour, integrity and so on (as I personally see it) and that is something built up because of the events I've lived through, upbringing by parents, influences, training,work I've done and so on.

I totally agree about what you say about the people being the difference between a negative and positive view and life experience. A reason I keep my circle small and filled with quality people.

Thanks for your comments mate, I appreciate it.


Only a pleasure. My circle of friends is very small and many would consider me boring but those are the real people that count and have known them for years. The kind of people you can phone after a year even and they will answer like you spoke last week. A close network of army and sporting buddies, but that is different from true friends as you have something you experienced together and is more of a lifetime bond.

I believe there's a lot to be said in favour of a small friends group; it keeps things simple and manageable. I kno a lot of people and call them different things, (friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family etc.) And each has value, and receives it in kind, commensurate to who and what they are. No one gets everything though. I like simplicity though. You sound similar.