Predictably unpredictable [Just humans being]

in Reflections4 months ago


Much of human behaviour is predictable, generally speaking; human beings have a propensity for certain behaviours and actions and they happen as a matter of course, some positive for the individual alone, some for the individual and others combined, and the opposite actions and behaviours that work counter-productively and negatively.

Humans are, if nothing else, complex beasts so predictability is balanced by uncertainty and the unexpected - an element of randomness - which can lead also to positive and negative results. How a human behaves and their actions can be perceived in so many ways and certainly those who benefit from other people's actions will see them favourably, those who experience a loss or detriment will see those behaviours negatively.

It all adds up to humans being humans, a mix of various thoughts and actions, behaviours chosen and intrinsic within and outside of the ability to control; as each human moves through life towards the predictable and unavoidable end they must navigate as best they can - some do better than others but all human beings are in the same situation.

I'm no different to others in that there's an element of predictability about me; I operate around a strong sense of honour and integrity (as I know it to be) for instance, and I act accordingly. I work to standards I set and within the bounds of ethics and morals I hold (again, as I see them specifically for myself), and that brings a level of predictability in my behaviours and actions...but I'm predictability unpredictable as well and I like that element of my personality, it allows me to push limits, expand established boundaries - my paradigm - and helps me live a more exciting, enjoyable and ultimately fulfilled life.

I recently did something for someone that was unpredictable, unexpected, and unasked for, sort of like a random act of kindness and generosity, that was designed to make a difference to someone who needed things to move in better directions but couldn't find it within themselves to make it happen. It took them by surprise and that's really cool because the person had pretty much given up on humanity due to some extenuating and difficult situations and events.

Thinking back, the situation was good for me too; it's easy for me to see the worst in human behaviour - I often do - as I've seen what humans can do to one another for whatever reason suits at the time, but humans can do great things if they try and if it occurs often and broadly enough they begin to touch at the edges and that's when the magic can happen; even bad people can do good things right? So yep, I felt pretty good about how things happened and the results and the fact that I also received such great value, a feeling of being a good human, made it doubly worthwhile.

Have you ever been the recipient of unpredictable human behaviour, of humans being humans? Was it positive or negative and was the result something that you look back on and value or one you wish to forget...or learn from?

Feel free to comment if you'd like to, or don't comment at all, the choice is yours.

(Also, thirteen million and seven bonus points for the person who can tell me who was born in the house on the right side of the image above.)

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


I love the challenges of .... who lived in that house hahahaha they fascinate me and I do what I can to investigate... is it Shakespeare?

And yes, I have had and experienced those unexpected gestures from people, good and bad. The bad ones I learn from, but I'll mention a good one to you. About 7 months ago I was in a bad situation and a friend who lives nearby but I don't know in person although we talked on the phone and so on, offered an extraordinary help that I didn't expect, I always remember that every day, because I didn't expect it and it was what made my day in that bad moment.

Sometimes people are helpful and sometimes they're a hindrance, the trick is surrounding oneself with the right ones.

Shakespeare yes, Someone else responded with that a few hours ago and earned the millions of bonus points.

Very true! The right people, the right energy.

I am very happy for that person! I love to investigate!

This is really a thoughtful revelation. Imagine how much stress we would have save our selves if we careful predict the behaviors of those around us. We wouldn't get offended by their actions and attitudes.

It's thought provoking right?

Rarely in my life have I received an unexpected sign of attention from other people (except, of course, from my family).
There were situations here and there, unexpected moments, even from people I don't know personally, who restored my faith in people.
It seems to me that maybe more than once in my life I did some such little things for people I know, and when I needed help, I didn't get it from those same people.

I'm used to living with it with the motto "trust yourself".

You know, you made my brain twist with this picture.
I had to wonder where I saw her.
At first I thought you were asking about your birthplace, but since you wrote several times that you don't publish details from your personal life on the Internet, I knew that it wasn't about that.
Especially for the reason that the girl is posing in front of that house (and you're not super star 😃).

I remembered the photos my father used to show me when he and my brother (his son) were traveling between Glasgow and London. when they briefly stopped by the town on the river Avon and took pictures of this same house.
I asked my brother and he confirmed that I remember well 😄

I mentioned that poet and writer in a post the other day, along with the work "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
William Shakespeare was born in this house in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564...

Trusting oneself, (self reliance), is a good thing although I like to think there's a few I can rely on also - no man is an island after all.

Anyway, well done on the house puzzle even though you had to get help from your brother. I did a tour which was incredible and spent some time reading in the can guess the author I was reading I think. I also went to Ann Hathaway's house, his wife, which was also nice, a thatched roof cottage with a lovely garden.

I still don't find time to go to my brother in the UK (it's tricky for us, we need a Visa, and a lot of days to visit everything I would have to see in the UK). I don't think I would have time to read on that tour 🙂. for now I visited the famous balcony from his work, in Verona.

Yeah, I've been to that balcony in Verona also, I have a nice picture of my partner on there which I cherish...her name's not Juliet but we pretended it was. Lol.

My partner did not enter the building to take pictures on the balcony.
We had interesting photos in the yard (me especially), next to the statue.
Did you touch the right breast on the statue?😀

I guess I qualify?

Humans are very unpredictable behind the wheel while driving. It effects me thousands of times a day. Reacting to their reactions and trying not to "over-react."

Yep, most motorists don't understand what it's like to drive a big rig and so they do dumb things and sometimes pay the price.

Guess the spot, who knows most probably looking at age and style it's good old William Shakespeare most probably. No town, no country simply no idea looks great though in photograph.

Have a great new week....

Yep, you got it! Stratford upon Avon. I visited, toured the house and wandered around for a while. A busy, but nice place.

Have a nice week too Joan.

Quaint to say the least, so much history it makes your head spin...

Your reflection on human unpredictability and kindness is inspiring. It reminds us how our actions can make a real difference. Thanks for sharing!

Our actions are what define who we are in our understanding of ourselves and the perceptions of others.

Thanks for taking a read and the time to comment.

Have you ever been the recipient of unpredictable human behaviour, of humans being humans? Was it positive or negative and was the result something that you look back on and value or one you wish to forget...or learn from?

To answer this question, I would agree here and always say YES! Yes, because not only I've encountered those people who have been unpredictable human behavior but also wherever and whenever I'll go outside, there are no days, minutes, and hours I can't be surrounded by them and they're indeed showing and doing both positive and negative.

This situation suddenly makes give me a hint of reason why, but I always managed to answer it by saying: "Maybe these kind of unpredictable human behavior of humans helps to let explore and analyze in order to learn something from them, value those kind of predictions that help me to reach and achieve my goals and avoid those predictions that makes my goals unvalued in my life."

It seems like you have a good handle on the situation gained through experience. Thanks for commenting.

You're always welcome. It is happening always so I have no choice but to accustomed for it. 😌

I think humans really step up in times of great need/calamity. When I was young, there was a massive typhoon that hit our area. Our whole house was flooded almost up to chest level. My parents were having difficulty trying to get us to higher places. It was then that some of our neighbors that had a second and third floor helped us. We evacuated there and waited until the water subsided. If they didn't help us, I don't know what would have happened to us. They didn't need to, but they did. I don't think I'll ever forget that experience and their kindness.

Some step up, some run and hide or expect others to step up for them.

Australia used to have a culture in which people would pitch in, roll up their sleeves and help, and to some degree it is still that way however the influx of so many immigrants who don't really identify as Australians or choose not to understand what it takes to be an active member of a society that supports them it's fast diminishing which I think is sad and quite distressing.

It's good to hear that your family got some help when needed.

Yeah, more and more people are too focused on themselves and their immediate family. But with times getting harder and harder, I can't say I can blame them all too much.

Yeah, until they need help and no one gives a shit to help them because they didn't include themselves in society or help others.

I like unpredictable people who control themselves well. Probably because I’m like that myself, I don’t like templates and daily boring routine.

Controlled unpredictability? Seems interesting.

A person can be unpredictable due to sudden external circumstances. And he can be unpredictable thanks to his inner will, when he breaks the usual course of things and does something new.

it's easy for me to see the worst in human behaviour - I often do - as I've seen what humans can do to one another for whatever reason suits at the time, but humans can do great things if they try

Not so long ago I heard that some people tortured to death three kittens here in Lithuania...So yes people can be very disgusting creatures but you are right humans can do good things as well.

tortured to death three kittens here in Lithuania

I'd be quite happy to do the same to those people.

(Also, thirteen million and seven bonus points for the person who can tell me who was born in the house on the right side of the image above.)

Haha it's William Shakespeare! Thanks to Google AI! Learnt something new too!

Using AI means zero bonus points.

Hahaha that's fine! :)

To be honest no one got any bonus points so you're not missing out.

Hehe yeah I sort of deduced that.. It's all in the name of fun and picking up such general knowledge is always a good thing!

Have you ever been the recipient of unpredictable human behaviour, of humans being humans? Was it positive or negative and was the result something that you look back on and value or one you wish to forget...or learn from?

To answer this question, I would agree here and always say YES! Yes, because not only I've encountered those people who have been unpredictable human behavior but also wherever and whenever I'll go outside, there are no days, minutes, and hours I can't be surrounded by them and they're indeed showing and doing both positive and negative.

This situation suddenly makes give me a hint of reason why, but I always managed to answer it by saying: "Maybe these kind of unpredictable human behavior of humans helps to let explore and analyze in order to learn something from them, value those kind of predictions that help me to reach and achieve my goals and avoid those predictions that makes my goals unvalued in my life."

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