One Hive

in Reflections6 months ago


Having to buy things is a necessity in todays society, it's unavoidable and our lives generally depend on it.

I grow some of my own produce and have skills that others do not and have friends and acquaintances the same which means we have a healthy trade and barter system where goods and services are exchanged and no money changes hands, but inevitably we all need to pay for things with money to sustain life.

With Cryptocurrency, magic internet money, and Hive specifically, being the new kid on the block as far as currency goes there's a lot of talk about the benefits of using it in the real world and I've been curious to understand what it buys out there in society.

At the time of me writing this post a single Hive was worth $0.20 in US dollars, that's twenty nine Australian cents ($0.29).

Anyway, taking that single Hive and it's twenty nine cent value in my country, I figured I'd come up with some things it could buy - with just that one single Hive.

  1. A single stamp for a standard letter - Nope, they're $1.50
  2. A Chuppa Chup lolly - Nope, they're $0.65 cents
  3. A 50g Cadbury chocolate bar - Nope, they're $2.50
  4. A small coffee at the coffee shop - Nope, they're $4.50 to $5.50
  5. A banana - Nope, they're $0.68 cents
  6. A litre of milk - Nope, that's $1.55
  7. An egg (one) - Nope, that's $0.45 cents
  8. A loaf of bread - Nope, that's $4.50 to $7.00
  9. Fucken hell, I'm struggling here huh?
  10. A single headache tablet (Panadol) - Nope, that would be $0.32 cents

I think you get the point, a single Hive in Australia at the Australian dollar value of $0.29 cents buys nothing. Of course, a whole pile of them would buy something, but for the purpose of this post I'd like to focus on one single Hive converted to fiat currency.

What does one single Hive buy in today's money in your location

I'll ask you to be specific like I've done, maybe list two or three everyday items like I've done above and if things don't come as singles like eggs or headache pills just take the total value of the item and divide it down by the number in the box and list the price one single one would cost.

But why?

Well, the point of this post is to demonstrate that one single Hive in the real world probably means very little in the grand scheme of things no matter where a person is. I understand that there's countries in which $0.20 cents (USD) may indeed buy something but is it something a person could actually go without from time to time, say once a week? I wonder.

The reason I say this is that in time that one single Hive could be worth much more than twenty cents, like when it went to over $3.00 USD. Now, that's an amount that could have some real benefit in the real world and it transforms many of those nopes on that list above to yeps.

It's for this reason I urge people to power up their Hive, even a small percentage like 10% of anything they remove into the real world, as an investment in the potential future. Not only that, but it also means one's curation rewards are larger through having a larger stake...and it also means that when I check wallets prior to voting on a person I will see power ups, not just extractions and that'll mean an upvote rather than no vote from me.

That's it...your turn if you'd like to comment.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own


Pretty sure I can eek out an olive and a half, a few tablespoons of rice and maybe a coffee bean or two. In the bucket go the drops of hive, sometimes one at a time and sometimes in small gushes, but eventually the bucket begins to fill and that is a grand feeling.

I've heard the saying many times that it isn't all about making more money, but keeping more of the money you already have. I think that ties together the stacking of your Hive and the bartering you touched on. If people barter goods and services you can cut out the middle man and refrain from spending as much money on necessities.

It is indeed good to see the bucket slowly fill. When I began here, my first post on the 13th June 2017 and for a long time afterwards, my posts earned cents and yet I continued, powered up and knew it was all adding up. Now, well it added up to what I have now; holding, filling the bucket up, feels good.

On that barter system I have going, it's really cool to swap goods and services for other goods and services, and it always makes me think of more simple times when this sort of thing was commonplace. I'm fortunate to have the right people around me to make it happen.

I can't think of a single thing other than, say, a strawberry. few raspberries or string beans. Maybe a couple sheets of paper. Nothing sold as it's usually sold, only pieces of things. I;ll keep looking.

Hey, so it looks as though the more you curate, the more interest you earn on your stake. Do you know anything about that? Mine says I earn 13% at my current curating level, but HP isn't accumulating at that rate as far as I can tell.

If you're looking at the new PeakD update, it’s a range. 3% if you do nothing, up to 13% if you use your hive power effectively. Most people get around 11% or so.

There you go...I never look at that stuff I guess so don't know much about it. I figure, my "core business" is to post, comment and engage and the rest will take care of itself, as it has.

Yeah it's more for the people who are crunching numbers. I largely don't but do try to keep abreast of some of the inner workings as I can.

Every time I try I realise I have more important things to think about so I move on.

thank you! Has it always been this way, that you earn more interest when you are actively curating? My wallet has, until now, reported a fairly stable interest on HP of around 3%. Yesterday it started showing a range of interests that could be earned, up to over 13%, and, if I turn the toggle for "advanced" off, it shows that I am earning 13%! But what I earned in interest overnight last night does not seem to be more than I would have earned before yesterday.

Haha no it's a little misleading.

3% is the variable hive inflation rate as I understand it. When the price of hive sank really low recently the inflation rate ticked up a little higher to 3.24%. This weekend before this change on PeakD display it was 3.13%. This is determined by the witnesses I believe.

It does factor in though because it is an APR.

The 13% is the addition of the APR from curation, which for most people is around 8% give or take 1% and they add the two together since they are both APR.

3%+8% gets you to the 11%.

The 13 comes from a ridiculously unattainable 10% APR on curation that very few people achieve IMO. I think calling it 13% is a little misleading myself.

Hivestats.Io is the Leo finance website where you can look at your current curation APR and then add the 3% hive inflation to it and you'll get your number for your own accounts APR.

My APR for curation is right now at 9.2 or something which is odd and increased from my normal baseline of 8.4 for a long time. The only difference is that I give out a lot more 50 and 75% votes now than I did 2 months ago, so that could be why I'm not sure.

Sorry for the book response :D

Thank you so much! I think I get it, and that seems along the lines of what I have been earning all along. I really appreciate your taking the time to write this all out for me!

Cheers you're welcome!

Yeah, there's not much a person can buy with one Hive currently I think, but down the track that could, and probably will, change which is why I'm holding all of mine; it's also nice to be able to vote on others with a little more stake, reward comments and all.

I'm not sure about the interest thing and what affects it but the more you curate the more you'll earn and stake helps that along. I usually upvote daily down to about 80% of my HP, sometimes down to 77%, and if I get to the end of the day with HP left over (over 80% of my HP) I will drop it on someone's post of comments as I have with you in the past. It keeps the curation rewards coming and still allows me the chance to add larger votes with my HP (like I have with your comment here) rather than miniscule votes.

I feel people tend to be quite frugal with upvotes but there's good curation to earn, on comments also, and I can't see that as a bad thing. It also helps others out. It's amazing how thankful a person can be, and has been, due to a simple upvote and comment I've left them. it's amazing encouragement. Of course, I won't support those who don't do regular power ups and simply extract all their earnings.

This shows you in real time how much interest you earn on your stake, that's the 3% @cmplxty mentioned

Hive is 18.5 euro cents with which I reckon I could purchase either 3 button mushrooms, one carrot, 2 cherry tomatoes or one egg of dubious origin. I believe I read somewhere that a person can survive on a single egg a day, but I wouldn't like to test that theory.

Yes, meagre fare indeed...wouldn't be much of a feast, two cherry tomatoes. We might have to wait until Hive increases so we can add in a mushroom and a carrot; oh what a glorious feast that will be.

Doing some small calculations I assume that in my world with a Hive I can buy a Chupa Chupa, a tablet of substances to make soups, a small artisanal chocolate bar, two artisanal chocolates, a cup of coffee, a small package of cookies, two pounds of sweet potato, just under half a pound of rice, some small portion of condiments, a simple ice cream cone, a 1.5 liter sachet of soda .... in short, small amounts of food.

A Hive is not enough to buy an egg.

If we look at it that way, extracting a Hive is not significant to meet basic needs, but 20 HBD would be "something", since it represents more than an average salary to survive during the month.

It is difficult for those who do not have any other alternative way of life to refrain from withdrawing a large percentage of their monthly Hive, but that is the mistake, because they will be unfairly burning their account and will lose a good financial opportunity if they do not improve their Hive work strategy.

Yep, exactly my point, at such a low USD value it doesn't seem like good sense to spend it all, especially since it doesn't buy very much at all. I think it's much wiser to take some but stake some so a person has something for later on when prices improve. As you know, I check people's wallets to see if they power up (stake) now and then and if they do not I do not upvote them, so they're inhibiting their own progress in more ways than one.

You power up up now and then in reasonable amounts and so you get my votes which will see your account grow and grow. Well done.

@galenkp there is something very important in all this, and that is to understand that Hive can be sustainable over time and that offers greater security in this project.

As I told you I come from places with a very bad reputation on the internet, and that at first made me doubt the economic stability of Hive, and the first instinct was to empty the account mostly out of ignorance, and that's the point, because many still continue to doubt the strength of the web 3 in/for the future and the seriousness of the project.

Yes, sustainable is exactly what it can be but only if each person works towards making it so.

As you say, ignorance is one of the things that causes people to act counter-productively for their own futures which is sad. Having said that, there's many people around the place who can assist, help out with some information, thoughts and perspectives that can help people progress. Not only will it help them in that way, but it also helps to build relationships and it's good relationships where increased and larger upvotes originate.

Not only will it help them in that way, but it will also help build relationships and it is good relationships that generate more and more positive votes.

That's one of the most important points in Hive, very well everything you explain to us.

$0.2USD = $0.32NZD

1 Chuppa Chup is $0.59NZD

Can’t buy anything for 32 cents here.

Yes, I understand...I guess we Cubans get a chupa chupa cheaper than in your country...however we can't afford an egg or a very basic and important meat for us, pork, we can't even afford to buy 3 or 4 pounds a month, and chicken full of hormones goes the same way.
Every day inflation swallows us up.

We have nickel candy here so it can get us 4 nickel candy pieces, that’s mostly it.

I think this was a really cool and interesting way to show people that we should have a more long term mindset for this stuff and eventually one hive can get a lot more but saving that extra 10% hive can lead to some serious changes in the future!

Oh that's nice, hopefully you don't like them too much, only four...doesn't seem worth it. But let me do the calculation based on Hive at USD...Oh yeah, that's 60 nickel candy pieces. Seems legit.

I understand that in some locations a single Hive will buy more than in others but my point is, as you point out, that to have a small amount saved away could make a massive difference down the track I think most people could spare One hive every few days or a week and power up. I mean, all these people blabber on about how hard they have it...and yet what the fuck did they do before Hive? And, there's people like @nanixxx who lives in the same circumstances and manages to think about the future and power up a little (reasonable amounts). Many others too.


The situation is bad here, very bad, but with good management I can make my future better.

HIVE has given me a lot of joy, I want to contribute in some way and it's not going to be by bleeding it dry. Besides I don't think it would be smart of me not to accumulate Hives at such good prices, considering it was at 0.60 ctvs or more a few months ago. I don't remember when or the specific price and I'm too lazy to go to Tradingview.... now. Hahaha.

Hive's value will grow as its community feels empowered.

People don't see the potential of this Blockchain, where everything is a win-win situation. An APR on HBD stake of 15%, an APR on Hive stake of between 3 and 10% depending on how active you are curating content. You share whatever you want to share and you earn money and also if you are active and have made friends you will get genuine interaction on your posts. I don't know what else they expect. They come in without investing a single dollar, just time. In the process of creating content you learn. You read others with whom you can have real conversations and learn about their respective countries, their travels, their hobbies. I don't see how they can't enjoy this journey and only think about taking out, without seeing the great potential they have to improve their lives with every day they spend here.

The same goes for people who have programming skills. Projects can find a place here... it's just a matter of creating and building.

(I think I have gone on too long... greetings)

There it is at $ wouldn't that make a massive difference to a person who is holding Hive? (The answer is yes.) Will it go back there? Who knows, but if a person isn't holding any then there's not going to be any gains if it does.


I agree with all you say and there's little I can add only that I think you should do a post (in dual language) to talk up the merits of putting a little away (staking it) each week. You know the benefits and I think there'll be a lot more happy people out there if they were to do it when things turn around and improve down the track. Spending Hive at 0.20 is bonkers.

Yes, I really should. Because I think there are a lot of people who don't know what they can achieve here. 🙂

Good night, G. I am honoured that you mentioned me.

Yep, I think you'll be doing them a favour...if they follow your example. It is a pleasure to have mentioned you.

1 Hive is worth 15p in UK today. In recent years supermarkets have been selling veg like potatoes, carrots, sprouts and parsnips at 15p a 500g pack at Easter and Christmas to help with the cost of living crisis. The cheapest cage egg I found is 13p each. The cheapest loaf of bread is 47p from Aldi for 800g that's around 15 slices, 1 Hive gets you 5 slices of bread. So come Christmas, one can have a feast of mashed carrots and egg on toast, but that will still cost you 3 Hive, otherwise it's an egg a day 🙄

Yeah, similar to here I guess, not really good value to be buying things with Hive at 0.20 huh? Still, people do it gladly and put no thought into what might happen in the future and I guess that'll be there issue to sort out down the track when I, and others who held Hive, are spending piles of Hive and greater amounts.

Or stuffing ourselves on a big fat turkey at Christmas which we bought with our 1 Hive 😁

Now that's a great idea! May you (we all) have pudding and brandy custard too! 0.5 Hive for the both!

In order to be able to answer correctly I went to my database of costs of the products I consume and I tell you... with 0.20 cents on the dollar I can compare:

  • An egg
  • A packet of coarse salt
  • A sponge cake called valenciana, it looks like a muffin.

I totally agree, why take out the HP now when it can be worth 3 dollars and then when it goes down buy more and have much more multiplied.

Well then, that's not much of a meal is it...better to wait until the Hive price buys something tangible don't you agree?

I fully agree. To do otherwise would be a waste of coins.

So it's 55 pkr here.

What can it buy?

  1. One paratha (indian bread)
  2. One or two eggs
  3. A pack of 4 slices bread
  4. Half sized cup of tea

Half a cup of tea...One or two eggs. Hopefully you're not hungry or thirsty.

As u can see, I never powered down @dlmmqb :)

My stake is also delegated to projects where I am involved so I am also using that stake to curate often.

Hopefully you're not hungry or thirsty

The point is to participating in a fun activity while try to recall things I can buy with 1 hive. In literal meaning, it's not worth the time to even withdraw less than 100 hive to an exchange. If I make a withdraw, it wouldn't be anything less than 5000 pkr or 100 hive. So yup, 1 hive isn't alot that's why I am accumulating more of pakx tokens in bear market as it's hive based and gives dividends in hive too instead of hbd dependance because I value hive more than hbds.

If I were you, I wouldn't invest in pakx or any other layer 2 token no matter how glittery it sounds. Because once hive leave your wallet, anyone can rug pull you. Cons of centralization.

Yep, I see that and it's a credit to you.

I'm not a huge fan of seeing people delegate all, or most, of their stake as it removes their vote value and they're less able to reward (with any relevance) people on an ad hoc basis. Many do it for the rewards they earn from it (passively) but I like the opportunity to drop a larger vote on someone myself so I delegate only a very small portion of my stake.

The point of my post is to demonstrate that one single Hive won't change a person's life at a value of 0.20 USD but down the track that one Hive can make a real difference which is why I suggest people regularly power up to save some away and increase their curation value.

which is why I suggest people regularly power up

If u wanna get HiveGasm, you can peak into @pakx wallet. It's designed to power up daily. FOREVER LOCKED! ;)

Also, those random 300 hp or 100 hp power ups yum 😋

I like the opportunity to drop a larger vote on someone myself so I delegate only a very small portion of my stake.

For me, I only reward people with 0.025$ in comments. For posts, I have accounts to reward them higher. Currently, I planned my hp according to my needs. But ofcourse one day even I wanna have dlmmqb's 1$ excluding from other account's votes. Also, I like to hide some of my hp for downvoting so I am not sure if I would be able to complete it faster.

But I also want hive to be 1$ or more as much as you want. :)

One more point, sometimes if I wanna reward a comment higher (engagement)
I vote on their post under 24 hours. I get more curation returns, they get same or more money. Win win.

It's just my way to reward people who engage. Ofcourse, everyone has their own independent mindset.

Overall, I want hive to succeed and I am participating in hive's road to success on daily bases either as an investor or hodler or by doing management work or by coding work.

Hi Galen, giving a quick answer to the question in Spain with a Hive you don't buy anything (with value 1 Hive = 0,1851 EUR). Maybe a piece of chewing gum sold individually.

About prices (in Spain, of course), here is a list of prices and services that I consider basic and their monthly cost:

  • Monthly electricity bill: 54 €.

  • Cell phone and internet bill: 100 euros. Here it is necessary to clarify that with a less complete service, which does not include some television channels, the price could be around 60 € per month.

  • Water bill: 15 €.

  • Community of owners: includes the payment of the expenses shared by the neighbors (cleaning, heating, etc.): 100 €.

These prices are from Madrid, and collected from my personal expenses. Therefore, I am sure they are above the national average, but they can be indicative.

The conclusion is that basically with 1 Hive you can't buy anything around here, although it is also likely that in other parts of the world, with a Hive you can buy interesting things.

Best regards.

Yep, as I expected, a single Hive won't add much value to a person's life when its fiat value is 0.20c. I guess that's why I'm so focused on collecting them and don't really understand why people feel it's wise to spend all they have rather than holding just a few back for better days ahead. Oh well, their choice.

It certainly doesn't make much sense, at least to me, not to accumulate Hives at current value. Also, I think it's a way of not giving value to our creations.

Yeah, I think it's very stupid indeed.

We agree. Moreover, at least the outlook for our cryptocurrency in the short term I think is good if the dollar loses value, as it is likely to do.

May it go up...but not just yet, I'm still collecting them and it's best to do when the price is down. 😊

I have also been buying (a little) when the price has been lower. When I came to Hive I exchanged cryptocurrencies from the previous platform for Hive, with the luck that a year ago the price of that currency appreciated quite a lot, so I was able to make a good operation with the exchange. And then I have bought Hive on several occasions when the price has been even lower than the current one. So I also believe that buying at a low value of Hive is smart.

Now I have to go... work. Hope the day was good. Good evening Galen.

Every jump of Hive makes me very happy, when I see that the value of my vote, what someone gets when I click on ❤️ increases.
So even for a very small increase in price, the increase looks great.
And that's why every day, little by little, I increase my HP balance, without spending anything outside of Hive.
September was full for me. I increased in one month by over 250. I will do the same in October, November, and December...
I grow and my contribution to others in the Hive world grows...
Let's not lie, I like to see when my post gets a lot of votes, but not that only I would benefit from it, but that even by amplifying my voice, the members of the communities in which I post and vote also benefit 🙂
For 1 Hive, I can now buy a pack of tissues or a box of matches.


Thanks no...
I will keep everything in HP until 1 Hive can pay for a lighter or a cloth handkerchief with my initials embroidered on it 😁

Maybe you can loan a tissue to all those people who will be crying when the Hive price goes up and they have no Hive to take advantage. Lol.

I just got back from our weekly grocery shop at Aldi, the cheapest thing in our trolley was a 440 gram can of 4 bean mix at 95 cents Aud. It makes powering up or buying a hive or two look cheap. Especially if all the selling pressure is come from a South Korean exchange that is selling at a loss.
Happy power up day!, I think I have only missed one in the 3 years I have been on.

Yeah, it doesn't make much sense to me to be using Hive at a value of 0.20 USD but so many do. I was here when it went to well over $3 and I sold and bought back at under $1 so gained a shit load of Hive in the process...made sense to me then and makes sense now. I guess, the trick of it is to power up and hold which means something will be available for when prices increase...and also that curation returns are much better and it's also a good feeling to drop larger comment and post rewards on those users who do the same (power up I mean.)

I power up whenever the Hive is available in my wallet, I don't like missing curation reward through waiting for the 1st of the month, I'd rather it works for me all month...and I'm not at all interested in a little bee badge that has literally zero relevance.

Here you can still buy some things with a HIVE. Today Capybaraexchange one of our exchange sites offers 8Bs, our local currency for 1 HIVE.
Looking at some supermarket offers I see that a kilo of potatoes is at 32 Bs, with the eight you could buy a small potato. The kilo of Yucca is at 18 Bs, you could buy a small piece. The kilo of zucchini is also at 18 Bs, hopefully you can get a small one. The kilo of pumpkin is 5 Bs, you could buy more than a kilo, you could also buy a small banana. The truth is that I did not think you could buy so many things with a HIVE. Thanks for the publication dear friend @galenkp . Have a happy day.

Hopefully you're not hungry, one small potato won't last long.

Hahaha. It's true, I'd better change it for the banana, at least it's sweeter. Happy evening dear friend.

Lol, bananas can be good, especially with ice cream...but with only one Hive it would be just the banana.

So 0.68$ is the goal for Hive price to get a banana 😅

Yeah, and by then a single banana will be $2.95!

Yesterday I read an interesting post. I hope that I will be able to earn Hive by posting for a long time. But if that option would dissapear soon and Hive would reach the heavens I would really be sad that I did not acquire more while I could.

As for your question

What does one single Hive buy in today's money in your location

Yesterday I paid a few eur for a bag of candy. So I imagine that I could buy at least one candy. I think that spices like parsley or dill are quite cheap so probably could buy a little. But I have no idea how much. a handful maybe...

Holding a little in reserve means you'll be in a position to capitalise on your efforts; I think it's a smart way to go. With Hive being worth so little fiat currently it makes sense to hold on to some and keep it for future gain.

one hive can get a nasi lemak here and stuff at the 99 cent store.

Powering up is the way for the future. I've been powering up 100% on most of my posts and powering up the curation rewards for hive power up day.

I don't know what nasi lemak is, but if it only costs 0.20 US cents I assume it's very small.

ya it depends too because there are more premium versions of nasi lemak where they have like fried chicken inside but the cheap basic one is just rice, anchovies, cucumber, friend peanuts, sambal sauce and an egg.

something like this


picture from online not mine haha

Fuck, I'd need twenty of those to feel full...that's more than one single hive.

haha I didn't know you eat that much. It's actually quite filling despite looking kinda small.

What does one single Hive buy in today's money in your location

0.2$ would be 16.76₹ and you can buy 3 eggs, or a small breakfast, and many more things....

Yeah, and here literally nothing.

It's crazy just how big of a difference Hive is making for people who are in countries where the currency has collapsed. It seems so insignificant to us, but in Venezuela or Nigeria it is changing lives which is pretty cool. I have a friend who we trade skills for sure, but he has another friend who is a computer guy and retired right now, so I feel like it is a bit lopsided at the moment!

Oh yeah, it gets complicated when the trade/barter group has too many who do the same thing.

I think the other guy is a bit older than me, so I have to believe eventually I will be able to step in!

Agree, hmm I don't think 1 Hive can buy anything meaningful in Singapore as well. Not even an apple.

Yeah, I'm not surprised it's a fairly expensive place, like Australia is too.

I checked for the price of one Hive yesterday and it was 356naira over here and when I checked again today it's already worth 341naira per one which means it has decreased.

An egg is 200naira here , so it could buy that then a paracetamol sachet tablet is probably 100 so it could by that as well and probably a cheap candy and that's all.

It doesn't actually worth much except you have more to sell and as you have said powering up Hive helps the blockchain at large and helps to grow a person's account and the continuous removal of it without powering up anything at all might even make it come down and not may not make it have an increase in price.

Will you be powering up a little or extracting all your rewards?

Maybe you haven't noticed but then most times I power up my posts and that is the major reason why I don't have enough hbd rewards to power up. I will definitely power up most of my Hive tokens as I have been doing in the past but then I won't guarantee that I wont remove so of my rewards at any point in time.

That's good to hear, it'll mean a larger stake, better curation rewards and that you'll have something left to capitalise on when the price increases.

Good idea, I’m also interested in looking at what you can buy in different countries for 1 HIVE. Not so long ago, by the way, it was a whole dollar.

In my country you can buy a lot of small things for 20 cents. For example, this morning I spent less than 1 HIVE. I made myself a bag of tea for 3.5 cents and ate a piece of bread and butter. Half a loaf of delicious rye bread costs 20 cents.

1 liter of milk costs 50 cents, but you can buy a small 200 gram bag. 1 egg costs 10 cents. A 20 gram chocolate bar costs 25 cents, you have to wait a little to buy it for 1 HIVE.


Yeah, one Hive isn't probably going to feed a human being, best to power it up and wait for it to be worth more I reckon.

Last week I bought and staked 50k SPS. This is about 2000 HIVE. I'm thinking of buying a lot of HIVE at a cheaper price. Now I am increasing my HIVE staking by about +20% per month.

Good plan.

In Third World countries in Latin America, the impact of HIVE has been significant, as for those who exchange it on the platform in their local currency, it has allowed them to buy food. Hence, on the platform, we can find many people from these countries publishing on a daily basis and overcoming obstacles such as the lack of electricity or Internet to publish.

Yeah, and they'll have nothing saved away to exchange when the value increases and so be at a disadvantage. Oh well, that'll be their own fault; they're the one's who'll have to live with their choices.

1 hive is worth 20 cents. 1 Guatemalan quetzal is worth 13 cents. The coin of 1 quetzal is used to play old school video games at the street arcades, pop it in the slot and i coin will let you play street fighter or 1942 or miss pac man. So for 2 hive i could have 3 quetzal coins (.39 cents) and i could play 3 arcade games. I’m pretty good at 1942 and miss pac man. 1 quetzal will normally give me about 5 minutes of play time. So 2 hive is about 15 minutes of joy at the street arcade. Good Hive value in my world!

I remember 1942 from when I was a kid, I was terrible at it but put a load of 20 cent pieces in the machine to play it back in the early 80's.

We all have many diferent stuffs running around, hive is lovely man can see other stuffs and at the end is like. We here for something and try to don't look others life. Thats what i say to me, to keep the calm haha, cheers bro.

Congratulations @galenkp! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Be ready for the October edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

Good morning my brother and greetings for today. Quite an interesting article that my friend displays.

You say it's "interesting," how about clarifying what you find interesting about it and why?

Oh.. It's not that hard. It's HPUD today.😊😊


It's Hive Power Up day, so I power up Hive today.😊

Well to be honest in India it only buys under the things come in 15₹ only currently but no problem hope price soon increase so we can buy other many more things too.

🇨🇺 1$HIVE = 64 Cup (Cuban Pesos) black market rate . Official rate - 32 Cup

By the Black market:

2 pounds of peanut
1 hallaca (in Cuba we calle it Tamales)
A month tickets for the public transportation

Nothing more

Conclusion, it's better to power up 😎 period 😅

Yep, that's what I expected, power up and wait for a better Hive price! ✅

Congratulations @galenkp! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - September 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the October edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

I have no idea what this means.

Merci pour votre commentaire même si je ne peux pas comprendre ce qu'il dit car je ne parle pas cette langue.

There is no apology required, I was just letting you know that I don't speak your language which makes it difficult to understand comments written in it.