Important things

in Reflections6 months ago


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

- Abraham Lincoln -

Occasionally I have cause to think about what's important. I'm not talking about what might be important at that very moment: getting to a meeting on time, performing my job well, doing housework and chores, recycling to help the environment, rest and relaxation and so on. I'm talking about what is important from an overarching [life] perspective.

Important things are different for all of us however I'm pretty sure most would list health and well-being, personal safety, food, shelter, warmth, family and financial security high on their list of important things. Each of those things probably have others that sit below but I think it's a pretty decent list in itself.

Last week I bought some gold; I save for it and periodically buy it [or silver] when the time is right. It's for my future my niece and nephew ultimately, they'll get it all and that's important to me. Of course, it's a good way to hold cash instead of actually holding cash, and it's there if I were to need it myself for whatever reason. It's important to me that I make those purchases and that I do the work to save the funds to allow the purchases in the first place, but how important is it to my life generally and are there more important things?

I try to work within the parameters of certain elements I hold as important like honesty, integrity, effort, discipline, ownership, tenacity, generosity and other such things. I also have manners and respect for those who deserve it, will punish those who deserve it, care for those I value who need it and will help those who show an inclination to help themselves. I work towards finding enjoyment in life, and giving it to others [I can be a serious individual so finding humour, lightness and fun, and pushing it outwardly is important] and I work hard to keep myself in good shape physically. Important things? Well yeah to me they are and so I work at them constantly.

I've seen people neglect what I see as important [see above] in preference for what I perceive to be monumentally unimportant: "Likes" on social media for instance, excessive consumerism, whining like a little bitch about a downvote on Hive and other such things...but I guess some value those things more than their overall life and other things that might be more important - but which are also more difficult to attain perhaps. People like the easy path, the route of least resistance, and the perceived benefits I guess. Each to their own; have at it if that's what a person deems as important.

Buying gold isn't all that important to me when weighed up against those elements I list a few paragraphs above. Are those things worth their weight in gold, are they that important? No, they're far more valuable than gold could ever be to me. What's important is life, what I do with it, how I design and create it, and what it means to me and the few around me I love and value, and that's something far more valuable than gold.

I wonder if you have any thoughts or perspectives you'd like to share in the comments below; if so then go ahead and if not then...well don't I guess.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


I also stack gold and silver. I only value them to the extent that they preserve my wealth for possible emergencies, and later I can pass it on to my kids to help them.

My wife went through a YouTube binging spree of Minimalism videos. At the time, I thought it was a bit excessive, but I started tuning into bits and pieces of what people were saying. We (First World Nation consumers) are bombarded by ads promoting the latest and greatest things to buy and do. These "Minimalists" were encouraging people to think how often they would use something, would it fill its purpose and better your life, or would it collect dust somewhere and take up space?

With that mindset, I've cut out quite a bit of spending. I used to always be looking for the next gun to buy when I had spare money in the budget. Now, I choose to spend my time and money on things to do, helping people, and things of more significance than buying jewelry, video games, etc.

My time is limited and the scarcest resource I have, so I want to enjoy life, help others and leave a legacy of helping others that I and my kids can be proud of, and leave something for them to help them through the rough times in life.

We are pretty similar really, think alike and all.

I came from a family who didn't have much left over after all the necessities were paid for and so I've always had a need over want purchasing ethos and have worked towards making what I have last longer, or to repair what I have so I do not have to spend needlessly. This doesn't mean I don't have good things, nice things, I do. What it means though, is that as my income increased over the years I applied that ethos and it ended up seeing me focus on quality not quantity, and I have some very good quality things.

Having said that, experiences are what's important as you point out and for me that means travel - I've been all over the world on multiple occasions and it's what I found/gained through travel that I think of when I think about what I have.

I hear what you're saying about guns, it's the same with other things (cars, trucks, watches and so on, but I have always worked to apply the need over want. Sure, I've been unsuccessful and have ended up with more than I need at times but generally it's worked out that I have had what I needed, when I needed it, and I'm ok with it.

I agree. I never would've thought I'd find someone on Hive who has similar opinions, standards, and approaches to life. I'm sure we'll find something we don't agree on at some point, but the differences are what makes us unique and life more interesting. 😁

I didn't have quite the same childhood, but my dad did and made sure my sister and I knew. I try to live like I'm "poor," to the point that I told my son "We don't have enough money for toys" as we drove to the grocery store to pick up our order. We could make room in the budget, and we do for special occasions like birthdays, but otherwise the money goes to bills and savings.

I'd love to travel. I'm working on starting the process of getting my passport. I can't really go overseas right now, but eventually it'll happen.

We all have different experiences and they lead us to different thoughts and attitudes; sometimes people get to the same point in different ways too.

Good luck with the travel, it's something that broadens perspective and deepens understanding. The passport is the first step. ✅

Hello, good afternoon Galen. You are my "anti-father". Let me explain, my father squandered much of the family estate leaving my mother in her old age in a situation that was not the best of the best. I am not complaining, I learned that what we do has repercussions on others (and on us) for better and for worse. I try to be as honest as possible with myself and take care of the people I love. So I fully understand that in every action you take into account, not only your personal good, but also that of the people you love. A very big hug

I'm the antitheses of your father it seems, I'm not much of a squanderer; this doesn't mean I live wholly and solely for other people's benefit life is too short for that, but I certainly think about those around me and how my decisions can impact them; people are very selfish these days, and I don't just mean financially; their actions, whilst enjoyable and suitable for them, can often negatively impact those around them and I think that's selfish.

Anyway, I hope you're well and have had a great weekend so far. I had a nice walk in the gardens today, a light lunch and some quality time with my partner...A pretty nice Sunday so far.

My Sunday is starting, I hope it will be boring, I don't usually like surprises. I hope yours continues as well or better, greetings to both you and your partner.

Hi Sir! Based on what I read and observe, gold and silver are wise investments. As a young individual, I want to begin investing at a very young age. I am saving from my allowance coming from my parents and from the scholarship I had from our municipality.

But for me, it is more important to invest in my character. What you said below hits me. Life is not all about material things. There's more out there that we should value more.

"Buying gold isn't all that important to me when weighed up against those elements I list a few paragraphs above. Are those things worth their weight in gold, are they that important? No, they're far more valuable than gold could ever be to me. What's important is life, what I do with it, how I design and create it, and what it means to me and the few around me I love and value, and that's something far more valuable than gold."

Saving is good, the next stage is investing.

We all need to invest in our own personal growth and development too though, it pays good dividends.

I've yet to add any gold to the stack. I add a bit of silver from time to time.
Price has been climbing, but I don't anticipate selling any for dollars; as long as dollars are currency, I'll hang onto the silver.

I've no need for whatever money I'll gain from a sale of my metals so no point selling. It'll get passed on.

This is an I opener.
It opens our eyes to realize that some of the things we cherish and spend on might not necessarily be important. Children are those who run after things with momentary sweetness forsaking core valuable things.
It also unveils to us some of the things which are needful. Thank you for sharing.

I guess each person needs to determine what's truly important and then focus on that right?

Yes! That is the basic truth 👍

The important thing for me is to love oneself and to love everyone equally. The second part of that idea is so hard, isn't it? How to love someone despicable? However, this does not mean to be close to him or to share his practices, but to have compassionate and loving thoughts for that person and with this, with that energy maybe some change will be worked in him.

Of course, this is something that must be done without half-measures and from the bottom of the heart. I think that by doing so, everything else in life is guaranteed.

(I wish I could make it one day) 😉

A few weeks ago, someone went on a stabbing spree in a shopping centre in Bondi Junction, Sydney. Stabbed and killed 6 people (targeted women) and wounded another twelve - (stabbed a nine month old baby) and it's mother (mother died). Despicable person. Not someone worthy of compassion or loving thoughts; instead, I'd like to cut chunks out of him until there was no more to cut. Seems appropriate.

Clearly I'm not into loving everyone equally.


Abominable 🤐 - That's why I'm telling you... I'm like you.

Humans do some terrible things and not all are worthy of the life they are given I guess. Many are though and it's those I like to focus on.

I send you a hug, hugged 😋/

Hello Galenkp, are you the administrator of the "WEEKEND EXPERIENCES COMMUNITY"?, if so, I woulD li to know why my today's post was muted by community moderators (a weekend at my frieds' home) I really want to know which my error was. Please, let me know. Thank you for your attention. 2

Because you have scattered English and Spanish translations all the way through your post and clearly have not read the community rules stating that it is an English only community.


I've been buying silver more frequently lately, but I haven't bought any gold yet. The price point is just too high for me. I'm sure I will get my hands on some one day.

I have more silver than gold but try to buy some goldnonna regular basis depending on where the price is.

I bought some gold; I save for it and periodically buy it [or silver] when the time is right

I believe that you are not a traditionalist and that besides Hive, you have something else besides valuable metals in your possession? 🙂 Is there space for some more digital assets, digital gold or silver?

When I entered the Crypto world, I realized how unimportant the balance of our accounts is, because today it is, tomorrow it is not...

It is important in life to keep a healthy head and to be healthy in body (and thus also in spirit).

I have several different investment strategies, not just crypto and metals; it's best to diversify and build that way rather than put one's efforts into one single strategy.

Many choose the easy path... what happens is that what they achieve is often not valued precisely because it was easy.

It's true, for me family, love, well-being, security and peace of mind are important... many other things. And that is above all and I try to take care of it.

How you design your life is the most important thing, then you will get the fruits according to that design: A big beautiful finished picture!

Most don't design their lives, they live them by default, dancing to someone else's music so to speak. I'm not that way inclined, I prefer to create my life in the image of that which I want it to resemble.

Do you do the same?

And the brushstroke that is wrong, I try to fix it, it is important to be the artifice of my own destiny or future!

I am intrigued about the reasons why people buy gold and silver. Yours is pretty common and I can understand that. Preparing investments for future generations is always good. I have a friend whose father collected old currency coins. They were able to sell them for a good amount when they needed the money. I am curious though if they are worth it more than investing in stocks that pay out dividends. Gold, Silver, and Coins increase in value thru inflation and other collector's interest, but compounding dividends seems more powerful.

It's simply an investment strategy; silver and gold prices have traditionally increased and so people acquire it for the potential gains. In my case, it's that and a means to hold cash without actually holding cash and the benefit of an increasing value, not decreasing.

A person should have seven streams of income, that's what will help a person attain financial independence and so I buy gold and silver as one of those "incomes" - Not that I sell any at this stage of course. Putting money in banks and hoping for viable dividends is misplaced hope in today's society.

I see. Thanks for the detailed answer. I don't think I have 7 steams, so I need to work on more of them.

I think it's always good to reflect and spend some time to think about the not-so-near future.. I actually do that a lot (which is not so common among my circle of friends), maybe because I am just someone who likes to plan my stuff a lot.

I think it is too...people seem really keen on looking no farther than their own nose (or ideals or perspective) and that can be a limiting (and often dangerous) thing to do.

What's important is life, what I do with it, how I design it and create it, and what it means to me and the few around me I love and value, and that's something far more valuable than gold.

You brought out your real valuables in life towards the end of the post. Other stuffs were just like the preambles. And this is the mistake most of us make. They pursue the candies and chocolates, forgetting the real stuffs. Some people are empty inside but like showcasing with flashy deceptions on social media forgetting to add real value tag to their lives.

Listening to you should stir up proper thinking, para venture we could find wisdom to redirect our priorities and run along with the right motivations.

I'm not talking about what might be important at the very moment .... I'm talking about what is important for an overarching (life) perspective

It is a lifetime error when people pursue momentary pleasures at the expense of real life treasures. Though lack of foresight can contribute largely to this coupled with wrong companionship. We should outlined early enough in our life journey what our real goals are and understand the real pillars which life is built upon.

... certain elements I hold as important like honestly, integrity, effort, discipline, ownership, tenacity, generosity...

These are the real stuff. These are the real ingredients for successful living. These would make one's life meaningful and impeccable. I too value such. I believe with them one can rise from nothing to stardom.

Thank you for sharing such a thought like this. You can be sure that someone is adopting the principles imbedded in it. More of such from you. Have a nice day.

Thank you for having a good read of my post and I hope you've gained some valuable thoughts from it that you'll be able to delve into with the view to unpacking a few ideas to move your own life forward more confidently and in better directions that you may currently be moving.

This is a materialistic world where consumerism and capitalism is appreciated and is approved. But only high value people care about more important stuff like family, morals and good moments with family.

I agree with you completely, well said.

There's a sort of enlightenment as I read your content. Next time I need to focus on our priorities and not to help those who don't deserve to be helped. It only ruined our precious plan to have financial security. We let them borrow an amount for help yet they don't even think about repaying especially at times when we need it the most. I am grateful for having time to read this. A lot of realizations came. And I hope I could really apply it so soon. 🫶

No worries, I hope those realisations are realised in your real world, you know?

I hope I can. Not just in my thoughts but also in the actual situation. Or do you have more to add for me to have a clearer picture of what you meant?

Hope doesn't get things done, action does; I can't be more clear I guess.

Now I get it. Yes, I will. Thanks @galenkp. 🫶

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