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RE: Opinions and Confirmation Bias

in Reflections2 years ago (edited)

I think it is possible to consider all three things at the same time, here's why;


  • Well I must force myself to be, trying to maintain a positive thinking is a daily task for me personally as I am a true believer that we attract what we think and now I want to learn how to better invest my time and my earnings on the platform .


  • The domain of reality is something a little distorted at present, I tend to be very realistic about my emotional economic and physical situation as the three have been in constant deterioration, but still there are many things that interfere in this and one of the main ones are the social networks as they sell us an image of perfect life at the same time they sell us the total ruin and we must be very detailed to maintain the balance in what they sell us and what we really live.


  • How not to be if I just said it in the domain of reality, since in its entirety is so distorted that we fall (I generalize just for fun because I speak very personally although I know that someone can identify) in that self-sabotage of thought as is the economy in my case and the situation of the country that throws me to the abandonment and the constant search for money increasingly away from my goals and desire for self-improvement especially in the artistic field.

Having this clear I think we could say that although we throw a specific word between realistic pessimist or optimist can not be only one because we have all been the three things at the time, your intuition may give you a clue when trying to judge someone between these three things but believe me that your way of perceiving someone does not define it, in the end we all want to be optimistic regardless of the reality we live.

If u feel ready to judge by Ur self take a look on any of My post and u SEE how i try stay balanced.


Yes, a lot of people can drift back and forth between pessimism and optimism, depending on the topic domain and just their general state of mind (often related to external events happening to them, as you suggest).