Spending My Day Learning New Things At Workshop.

in Reflections2 years ago (edited)
Hi friends, and happy Sunday fans, hope you are doing great this day, it's been a while since I published my write up here.

Yesterday I traveled to lafia for a one day workshop it was so rich with a lot of knowledge from the workshop.

The workshop was scheduled to promote circular bio-economy through Resource Recovery and Reuse business in Nigeria, it was a Key informant stakeholders workshop.

The Workshop was held at Faculty Of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University Lafia, Nasarawa State.

All images are mine.

I left home very early yesterday for that workshop because the distance is over 75km from my house, so it took me over two hours on the journey, I was the first person to reach the venue for the program, on arriving to Lafia I noticed that there is sanitation so I ride direct to the school.

On reaching the school I also noticed my bike start overflowing my fuel got wasted, it was painful though due to the high cost for fuel of recent in Nigeria, I waited for over two hours before people start arriving for the program.

The workshop was really an eye opening for me as a farmer because I came to understand how to recycle things without having any waste, water, rubber, rice chaff or sawdust, and many more.

The workshop was so impactful cost we had so many expert taking us on the program.

At the end of the training we had a Questionnaire, the Questionnaire was really hard it took us almost an hour to handle it, after everything thing we had our lunch but it was already evening, we ate, and went to the school farm it was really interesting, I saw how they are processing the manua for their farm, both with cassava fibers, we saw some their school project.

I was challenge when I entered the school farm, the moment was so beautiful it like I shouldn't live that yesterday.

The journey was fun because I was alone on my bike, I ride on a good speed I feel like I should do it again.

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