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RE: Not meant to last

in Reflectionslast year

Hi Galen, I'm logging in to Hive less regularly because of my laptop problem, but I'll be stopping by anyway. About the computer everything is fixable. You comment what my parents taught me, for sure everything about all the points you indicate we both learned similar things. From other things they taught me, I am now in the moment to break other learnings that limit me. It is never too late. A big hug


I noticed you weren't around as much and figured it may be because that ignorant greasy little piglet downvoted your comments on my post recently; it makes sense that it's because of compute issues though. I'm sorry that is happening as I know it can be quite stressful especially if there's thing one wants or needs to do on the computer. I hope it's a situation that can be rectified soon.

I also hope you have a nice Christmas day when it arrives, I'm in mine now...breakfast is done and I'll relax a little before putting lunch together later. I've got a couple movies planned today, some reading and music. Low key, just how I like it.

Hi Galen, it will take me a few days to solve my computer problem, the dates are what they are and I have to be patient. About what you say about the negative votes of a person, there are things that I can not change, in the same way that there are things that will not change my way of acting. This is one of them. Best regards

I figured, but some would change their behaviour over the perceived loss of a few cents; I should have realised you would not.

Good luck with your computer.