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RE: The Ghost in the Machine: The Prophecies of AI

in Reflectionslast year (edited)

Well... AI doesn't really 'understand' anything. That's its primary flaw. It's just pulling up data. But it has no concept of which it speaks.

In a lecture, we tested whether chatgpt can deal with sarcastics or indirect way of saying, that was like Bob and Mary watched a movie in cinema. After watching, Bob said "I think the movie was great, waht do you think?" Mary said " I think popcorn was tasty.". And the lecturer asked to chatgpt 'why Mary is talking about popcorn when Bob is talking about the movie?' Then chatgpt said 'Mary may try to be polite in replying she was not enjoying the movie." At that moment the lecture said "we're doomed."

Ultimately, they taught amateur players to defeat this top super AI machine 95% of the time with some exploitative tricks.

I doubt they defeated AlphaZero now it is at a stage with odds of winning 100% over human players. It generates the map a few hundred steps ahead every time the opponent turned his time.