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RE: Immunity Down

in Reflectionslast year

parents who say "my child won't eat vegetables"

Silly parents and stubborn child. I loved broccoli and asparagus as a kid and still do to this day. Thank goodness my mom knew how to dress up some veggies so her kids would eat em!

It is like using a calculator as a child

As a math teacher though, this one puzzles me a bit. I'm teaching students who we several grade levels behind in their skills and understanding. They still struggle with place value and I'm supposed to teach them long multiplication and division? This is a losing battle. My students really need to develop problem solving skills. Decode a word problem, decide what math strategies to use. They don't need anymore stumbling blocks in front of them. I wish they could just learn and understand how to use calculators so they could focus on the problem and not the skill. I end up spending so much time trying to teach them the algorithms for multiply and divide, and they still have barely a clue how to solve a real-life situation described in words. It is endlessly frustrating!