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RE: Ownership and lines of power

in Reflections9 months ago

Here in Cuba, everyone suffers from the evil of power. For example, when I was in the army, the chain of command was so rigid that no suggestion from a lower rank was heard. And if that lower rank was above in a position of greater responsibility, he was looked down on and many times even underestimated. Then in the hospital, the same thing. The bosses who command are from the old school. They don’t apply new methods, no matter how much they are recommended. They will use their power to do what they want, even if it’s not always the best. I think that this is reflected in the situation of the country and we can even see it in the government, where there are hundreds of ministers and all the measures are unanimous (how strange that everyone thinks the same). Here, the one who thinks differently or wants to impose another method is crushed by the power. There are few examples of someone in a chain of command who respects or relies on their inferiors


Yep, I'd have expected your first comment.

On your second sentence...This is common in military leadership and outside of the military also - people with egos, career aspirations or the need for the feeling of power leading others.

From a military perspective, it's more often found in regular services rather than special forces or SOF group, the latter promote thinkers and the mission is most important, not ego and power...although it still happens sometimes.

I'd rather one operator next to me that wants to be there, feels empowered, has the same focus and goals and is willing to show ownership and responsibility than ten operators that have to be pushed, cajoled and dominated over - The former will get things done, the latter will cause inefficiencies and more problems than they're worth.

I agree with what you said, I tell you, I have never liked that imposition of power, I consider it more a complex than an attitude to value. For me, leadership must be based on mutual respect, collaboration and mutual motivation. Through my entrepreneurship, I have seen that empowering your team or a person has an influence that has no comparison, it is like throwing fuel on the fire and as you say that is better than imposing. Here that seems to be a religion and the one who thinks differently does not advance, in that I have been lucky because for my luck my tutor has a very similar thought to ours and that has allowed me to advance a lot during my medical career

I agree, although sometimes the collaboration aspect is less collaborative as sometimes leaders see and know the greater picture that their teams may not be equipped to deal with...the leader is also somewhat of a filter I guess I mean.