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RE: Time and motion

in Reflections β€’ last year

What a good reflection πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ», now that it's the weekend I think that reflection is the most appropriate way to start it. I like the topic, as a doctor and as a person in general I think time is gold

In my case, I try to organize my week as far in advance as possible, of course prioritizing the things that contribute to my interests and those that need to be prioritized (such as study and work) Every day, at night, I check what I have wrote for the next day.

This method has allowed me to save a lot of time and above all prioritize the things that are of my interest and the time saved I dedicate it to live my life: experiences that I then turn into posts here, spend time with my girlfriend or my family, read some book that contributes to my personal development, that is, take advantage of every minute to work on what I want to be.

On this side of the world it's still early and the day is just beginning and I tell you mate, there's no better way to start it than with your reflection, so I'm going to enjoy my weekend and see you at the #weekend-engagement πŸ˜‰. I hope you're having a productive weekend

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Prioritising and scheduling is a great way to save some time and if it's work things that will certainly leave time for more enjoyable things elsewhere in your life.

I wonder how some people get through their lives in such a disorganised fashion; not everything needs to be stringently scheduled, but there's many that can be and if the result is more time for more enjoyable things it just makes sense.

Anyway, thanks for responding and I hope you have a good weekend. I'll see you about the place I guess.