It’s incredible that the greatest power in the world still has such an outdated voting system. But I’m not one to judge since in my country we don’t even vote 😅 period
All eyes are on America these days, huge election I think.
I’ve read several news, but I would like to know firsthand...
Are very close elections expected? Closer than in 2020? Here in my country, the news are very politicized , even more when America is the topic 😐
Yes, on paper, it is closer than 2022 midterms or 2020 general. Lol, in my country, the news is very politicized as well.
Wish me luck. I mean it.
It’s still early, but good luck friend. Today will be a long day, and I hope you all choose what’s best for you.
Here, no matter the outcome, they will speak badly 😅 Cuba being Cuba 😐
Oh I have chosen days back. We can vote early in Texas. I have voted for Harris already.
There's less time left to know the result ⌛
How is Election Day going?
Here, news aren't talking much about it 'cause we're waiting for a new hurricane, so there isn't much news outside of that topic
Everything is very peaceful so far. Record turnout of voters!
And Pennsylvania too?
Yesterday I read some news about Pennsylvania being one of the key states for both parties and maybe some issues will happen there
PA is absolutely a key state. Virtually it is very difficult to win the White House without winning PA. Polls are about to close there, and it is perfectly peaceful.