I think you have to consider the economy above everything else and then the open borders as the next big thing. If he can fix this then everything else is a bonus. know some mentioned his firing of is staff last time around ad he explained that recently. His first time around he was guided and told who to appoint and only when he saw they were not in it for the country, but benefitting corporations or individuals he fired them. I am no fan of is, but I am no fan of Harris either and do think Trump was the best of the worst and he actually may turn out really good for everyone. Time will tell on this and he has given people 2 years (RFK) to show factual evidence that things have been changed for the better.
Assuming you can believe any of that. See, that's the problem. Just as they think everything from the left is lies, you can never be sure how much is true from the right either. It's a mire of crap coming at you from all sides!
Yes that too and why you just never know. Have you ever met an honest politician because I have not. I must say our elections are totally different here and as a minority group we have to stick together otherwise we get properly screwed. That is the way it is I am afraid and why having a joint party ruling the country is a win win right now.
I haven't met any politicians that I know of.