Such true words. I am my own worst critic and sometimes to critical on myself to the point of beating myself down to nothing. Being self critical is something I've always been, but never to this extent. Lately I have been doing as you mention, which is poitive self-talk. It seems to be working, as is my increase in activity.
Leann Rhimes has such a good voice. I love listening to her music.
Hi Joe, I hope you're having a nice week.
There's merit in looking at oneself because it's a way to understand what is being done well and building on it or what isn't done well and is an opportunity for development, but being very self-critical can be destructive and I'm glad you've seen that and are looking for ways to work around it.
I love LeAnn Rimes and saw her in concert once. She's not a dynamic performer jumping all over the stage like Pink is for instance, but it was an amazing concert in it's own way. I'd go again.
Becca 🌷