I think you would probably like Billy Carson or Jason Jorjani. They talk about some pretty wild shit and I love listening to them with their takes on history. Some of it is that we aren’t the “smartest” or best humans that have lived and are likely on the 5th or 6th iteration of the human species. It really makes you question the history we are told - how long were the dinosaurs from us? “Trust the experts” when they fabricate the message to suit their needs? Fun mental shit to play with!
I think the whole alien thing is comical. There’s no way that we are the only intelligent life form out there. There’s more freaking galaxies than there are grains of sand. That’s nuts!
I think one of the sad things I realized is that we are likely not going to be able to travel the galaxies for a while because our bodies are so tied to and reliant on the earths atmosphere, sun, electrical energy and all kinds of stuff that if we were to be on a space voyage for 20 years we would likely fall apart at the current technology we know about.
Then there’s the thought that we live in a dome and the space station is a load of horse shit :D lots of fun theories to mess with!
Will have a listen at some point :)
So the "scientists" say! ;D
We can't even get out of our own solar system - getting out of the galaxy might require some kind of wormholing. If they are a thing...