Death and Digital

in Reflections6 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to chat about something we don't often think of, but ultimately something to deal with, but with a twist: death.


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Death and Digital

Death and Taxes - the only guarantees in life. It's a bitch of a reality that's for sure lol.

The other day though, I was going through my phone and looking for someone that I needed to send a message to but I forgot how I had them saved. I ended up scrolling through the whole list. In that scrolling, I ended up coming across several names of people who have died, and I was thinking what should I do with them??


Death is certainly one of those topics in our lives that is sensitive. Nobody really likes to talk about death which makes sense in a way but it also doesn't make sense. We tend to just avoid the topic altogether because it often comes with uncomfortable feelings. I get it.. but at the same time it doesn't do a whole lot of good if we can't think about something that is going to happen no matter what.

The people that I used to know, but have died either by accident, through cancer or sadly some intentionally, all have left a mark on me in one way or another. By seeing their contacts in my phone, I was flooded with memories of the various people and I think that was actually a really good thing. Yes it's unfortunate they have died but at the same time, with death comes rebirth in other ways. It helps those who are still living have some time to reflect and appreciate those who have passed before them and it leaves a bit of a legacy.

Besides the immediate family - who is thinking of the tangential friend? Not many, unfortunately! With the phone contacts though, and even writing this post, I am resurfacing their memories a little bit and I think that's a pretty good thing considering we all are likely going to be forgotten after a generation or two, especially friends of friends.


This got me thinking - with the advent of something like Hive. If the blockchain continues as it is right now, for the next 100 years. What would happen if my grand children, or great grand children happen to stumble upon my blog here? It would be pretty interesting to have them learn about their grandpa through this, with all the weird shit I've thought about and talked about lol. It would be cool to take a little walk in the day of the life of someone like that though.

It would be interesting to have taken a walk with my grandfather, or great-grandfather when they were my age or younger. Granted, that may be possible in the future which may be kind of creepy.. but only because of the crazy intrusive data collection that is going on but that's besides the point LOL. Taking a walk through my grandfathers eyes or my great-grandfathers eyes by seeing the pictures and things that he was looking at, when he was alive, would be a pretty interesting thing to do! In their days, photography wasn't as popular so we got some professional photos or some candid photos but it was just of them. Seeing their surroundings and the places that they walked and enjoyed would be so cool! Would my grandkids think it was weird that I spent so much time in the mountains, or near rivers? I would hope not, because I would love to have my son raise his kids along a similar path to me.


I ended up straying a little bit away from the original topic and point but I think it ended up going in an interesting direction. It revolves around the people who have died, and what may happen in the future after we die.

Have you thought about the people who have died, and how their contacts end up in our phone a lot longer? What about the future thinking of our grandkids looking at something like Hive?

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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When I die I wanna be just like you!

Don'tcha? Don'tcha want to be a pop star like me?

Sorry I have the beat in my head of the Don'tcha song but I can't remember the exact words lol

Funny. I thought you were doing a Minnesota accent.

I work with a lady from the Sota her accent is so distinct and different from others it’s great.

Once someone dies, I give them a few days and delete their contacts because it is of no use anymore. It’s sad but we can’t help it. Everyone will taste death someday because it is inevitable but I hope we grow old before that happens

Hahaha well that's a ruthless way to think of it! It is true, we have little space these days!

Interesting thought provoking post. Got me thinking I still have my wife’s mobile contact on my phone, she died 14 years ago of cancer 😢. Is it going no I don’t so I still think of her every day. Memory’s keep them alive and us.
Thanks for the blog post.

That's horrible man, so sorry to hear that. Those things are awful and they happen to the best people. The assholes live forever!

Glad I could elicit a memory for you, she sounds like she was a wonderful woman!

Thanks Mate, they say time heals all wounds, but I’m not sure I agree, there are always constant reminders. She really was my rock.

It is true that one day we will leave this world and it will happen to all of us, so it is better that we live a life that does not cause problems to other people.