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How do human beings generate knowledge?
To generate knowledge we have to have almost necessarily a reflective nature in our thoughts, if there is no reflection there may be a thought but that does not generate knowledge, but with a thought and then reflect we can generate knowledge, almost always after a reflection come possible solutions, results, hypotheses, proposals, recommendations, conclusions, concepts, and is that we can derive endless arguments that are generators of knowledge.
Nature together with what we live, our experiences and needs are precursors of knowledge, since a need makes us be creative and be able to put together previously discovered theories to be applied to a human need or a set of problems that need to be attacked.
Knowledge is an essential part of human nature, without knowledge we would not have reached the development we have today, however the knowledge that we are generating over time has made us have a technological development in which our lifestyle is not leading to our self-destruction.
Therefore, the same knowledge that we have and that is in constant evolution must be able to adapt to new needs so that we can obtain a different development, that is to say, a development that is sustainable, that we can continue living with comfort, but without the excessive use of natural resources leading us to extinction as a species.