Do you get over it or learn to live with it?

in Reflections3 months ago

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In life during our entire trajectory we go through a series of tragic events that sadden us, overwhelm us, make us uncomfortable, and we even hear from other people who tell us: “calm down, you will get over it as time goes by”.

However, I believe that it depends on the magnitude and type of tragic event we are going through, it is not the same to overcome an economic loss, to having to overcome the death of a loved one, I particularly think that the loss of a loved one is not something that is made to overcome it, since it is a pain that lives in us forever, what I do believe is that we learn to live with it.

I am currently at a stage in my life where the death of my mother makes me feel such a deep pain in my soul that I do not think I will ever get over it, what I do think is possible is that I learn to live with it, it is not only the death of my mother that saddens me but also the loss of my father and one of my brothers.

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In reality it is very important that we are aware with ourselves that we should not feel bad because we are not able to overcome a grief, and especially if it refers to the loss of a loved one, what we should know is that simply as time goes by we are adapting to live with that feeling, and when that happens sadness does not hit us so hard.

Accepting does not mean overcoming, for example I accept the loss of my three loved ones, mother, father and brother, however I may accept it but that feeling of remembering them every day is there, any day to day experience makes me remember them, I miss them a lot, it hurts me not to have them, however I know that this is part of the normal course of life, later I will be the one who is not in this world and others will suffer my departure.

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Maybe many of you feel identified with what I tell you in this post, maybe others not so much, but what I can tell you is that this opportunity to write about my life and how I feel, also to describe my thoughts of pain even makes me feel a little better, because it is as if I drain and let flow in these short words part of my pain.