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RE: Back and Beyond

in Reflections3 months ago

I remember when I started working out regularly, I purposely did it before the new year because I didn't want it to be a resolution, I wanted it to be more of a lifestyle change. It seems to have worked well so far. If I had to make a resolution for this year... I want to get my finances in order. Not that they are all over the place, but as Galen has been doing, I want to be sure I am ready for retirement when it comes and have a trust or something in place in case something happens to my wife or myself.


I hat going to the gym in January.... February is much quieter :)

I want to get my finances in order.

This is definitely on my list too, though there has been a bit of wrench in the works recently. Maybe more the reason to get it in order though.

Yeah, that is a good point about the finances. Like I said, it's more about being prepared than things not being in order. It's just easier to state it that way I guess.