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RE: Life's ladder

in Reflectionslast year

That had to be rough. My youth was pretty run of the mill and I will be the first to admit I had it quite easy. Growing up in rural America, I had my fair share of setbacks, but they were honestly quite minor as far as trauma is concerned. There is a scale the use to determine past trauma and how it impacts you moving forward. My score would be quite low I think.


It was man, five years old and not understanding any of it...I learned though, the very hard way, about the filth a human being can be. It helped me do what I had to later on as an adult though. It built character too, strength and the ability to act with unswerving intensity.

People go through so much in life, I'm sure you did too, and I think it's best to use it to ones advantage. I'm not the guy who falls in a heap and stays there and aim credit those early days for that strength.

I can tell it made you a better person over all!

I believe it has and I'd not change it if I could. Although, it was terrible for me at the time.