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RE: Human garbage

in Reflections27 days ago

There was just a court case a while ago in the US that dealt with a Munchausen by proxy sort of thing and in the end the girl ended up killing the mom. It was something like that. Sadly, we see these crowd funding things all the time. It's ridiculous and it really drives me nuts because no one bothers to prepare. Why do I need insurance? Someone will just start a gofundme and I will be set. People don't want to put in the work and they want the easy lazy way out. Sorry for the mini rant there....


Nah man, I get the rant and it's valid. People are lazy and are so entitled these day; why bother to take care of themselves when they can put their hand out and have a chunk of cash land on it. Pathetic.

And there's the garbage like this couple...I hope they lose access to their kid, but the law will probably be as weak as always and they'll be left to do this stuff again. Assholes.

Yeah, unfortunately the goal of most agencies like that is reunification, so in this case as long as there is some semblance of regret and the child's needs are being met they will likely get them back assuming one of them takes the fall and the other stays out of jail.

Imagine being that kid and having to live with what's happened? I feel sorry for the lad.

Yeah, I do too. It's horrible. Talk about trauma!