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RE: Week 1 progress of my Stand up 2 Cancer Squats Challenge - The 3 Ss

Cancer in any version it has is terrible. A little while ago, my daughter had had some discomfort and therefore she went to the doctor, she is currently undergoing treatment for cancer cells in the uterus. The truth is, she went to the doctor for a reason, but through studies and exams they were able to determine a "focus." On the one hand, it has been a relief, because its detection is early and there are a couple of actions to take before everything "gets complicated." However, she fears for the future and her high chances of developing an aggressive version of the cancer. Sometimes she tells me that she cries a lot at night in secret because her thoughts attack her, other times she acts strong and she wants to take things as if nothing was happening to her health. Cancer not only wears out your body, but your mind. And your mind, your mood, and the health of the immune system decline. The truth, as you indicate, not only destroys the person who suffers from it but also those close to them. Good luck and don't think about that cancer straw falling to your family, stay positive!


I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's condition.

It must be very tough for her, and also for yourself as her mother to see her go through this suffering and can't do anything to help her. Hopefully she will find the strength with your support and the rest of the family to pull through.

Thanks for the good wishes. And yes, little by little the treatments are being done. The psychological burden is what silently weighs on him the most, but we all support him in one way or another. Certainly for me it is quite hard, but I must also be strong. If my daughter sees me fainted, it will be even sadder for her. Blessings!