Behind lies a week I'd rather not recall and ahead lies four days in a row with no plans, no pressure and nothing much to do but that which I please. It's a no-chore weekend for me, I have made this vow and I've adhered to it stringently. I can't say the same for my guy though, he's been doing all sorts of manly things in his man-space garage thingy; there's been clanging and banging, the sounds of power tools and swearing and I hope he declares his day out there a resounding success when he's done.
I've been reading and listening to music mostly, other than a short outing to pick up something for afternoon snacks for the both of us and, on that outing, stopped for a time in the gardens where I enjoyed a coffee and some quiet time with nature. It was beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful, a friend of mine recently had some cosmetic enhancement. She didn't need it, but was feeling her age creep up on her and decided to take the plunge.
She asked my opinion prior and I was honest; you don't need it and that path can become a slippery slope rather quickly.
My guy said I shouldn't have given my opinion and that she didn't really want to hear it. He was right, she went ahead and now her lips looks like over inflated balloons and despite her face being smooth, she can't seem to make any facial expressions. She seems to like it though, what choice does she have.
I'm not that way inclined, cosmetic surgery and enhancement isn't my thing. Do I feel less beautiful as time goes by? No I don't, partly because my man makes me feel beautiful and partly because I take care of myself: Avoid the sun, drink plenty of water, sleep a lot, have a skin care regime, never smoke cigarettes and only drink alcohol in very small quantities and very infrequently. It works for me and I don't feel the need to enhance the way I look cosmetically.
As I sat in the park I considered my friends choices and the reasoning behind it, her need to look beautiful as time passes and she gets older.
I believe it's the character of a person that enhances beauty as time passes, that it comes from within, true beauty, and makes the person shine despite fading youth. How a person conducts themselves, responds and reacts to others, their integrity, tolerance, generosity and courage in the face of adversity all helps make a person beautiful. It comes from within and, if the right attributes are present, will make the outer person shine with beauty. This goes for men and woman both.
I went home, thoughts of beauty still in mind, and went to see my guy's progress which, I'm happy to say, was quite good. He was just wrapping up and told me he'd be off for a shower shortly. I didn't join him, I was on cheese cake and coffee duties for after his shower.
Later, still thinking about make makes a person beautiful, I asked him what thought. He reflected my thoughts on it, basically. He added in some aspects that I'll not repeat; he's a man, of that there is no doubt. However, he also said that it comes from within, that no matter the way a woman appears to him, the true beauty and attraction, comes from inside her.
I understand that it's often easier to seek quick solutions, cosmetic enhancement for instance, but it's the hard work we undertake on ourselves, our inner-selves, that delivers the greatest rewards and it's from the inside out that beauty comes.
Becca 💗
It is an interesting topic, as we are told that we should do what makes us feel better about ourselves - yet it always seems to "buy something" that makes other people judge us in a better light (or worse depending on the size of the lips). No one is really happy with themselves, but at the same time, I get that people are always looking for a quick fix to contentment. I do think though, that even if never perfect, contentment can't come through the quick fix or pill, it can come through the attempt to be better, the work. Like going to the gym might not lead to the perfect body, but the effort makes the gains owned.
I wonder what's brought the change. I think people have always wanted to be more content with themselves and it used to mean a little hard work brought about through self-honesty and introspection. These days it often means inflated lips, cleavage selfies on Instagram and buying a new iPhone. How the world, and people, have changed.
Becca 🌷
"More content" used to be what an individual can do to improve - now it is what they can buy - and you can buy lips, boobs and arses.
Exactly, you've hit the nail on the head with this comment. It's sad really, but a sign of the times.
Becca 🌷
I believe that human beings are never 💯% happy with their appearance and with time gone by the idea of aesthetic improvements begins to emerge, I have always believed that everything is in the mind.
We think alike on this. It's what inside that makes a person attractive to others (and themselves) and it's those things, the personality traits and character, that really counts.
Becca 🌷