
in Reflections29 days ago

Do you remember when we had less choice? I do, and sometimes I wonder if people have too much choice now, especially when it comes to consumer items; does it leave people more confused, lead them into over-spending, does it mean companies, businesses and manufacturers have to work harder at catering for that demand for choice and does that mean additional drain on the planet's limited, and diminishing, resources? Yes to all, is my answer.

There's a different type of choice we all have though, one that relates more to our personal and inner selves, emotions, feelings and behaviours and I believe that choice to be the most important.

Becca MacAllister.jpg

I took this image

One of those choices is the choice, and control, over our personal perspective; that is, how we see, feel and react to people and situations around us.

In line with that perspective choice is control, how we control those perspectives, reactions and actions and I believe that a lot of the time perspective is the only thing we actually can control. We can't always dictate, influence or control the situations around us but we can always make the choice on how we view them and react, and I think that's one of the most powerful and enabling choices we could ever make.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗


I totally agree, the genuine choice we have is our perspective and reaction to things, that's the important thing. And from there everything else follows.

I love the boots, pink is my favourite colour!

Thanks Becca!💗

The boots were lovely, so comfortable too however so were the other pairs I tried on. Hmm, choices, choices, choices.

Becca 🌷

I wonder which one you bought....
I have to use the ones with the squarer tips and not so pointed....

Hugs Becca.💗

Ok, I get it...but did you get those boots? They're legit!

I wondered if someone would ask.

I could answer you, tell you what happened but that would ruin the surprise which I will, might, reveal in a post at some point in the future. So, I'm not going to answer however will return a question.

Do you think I should have bought them and why?

Becca 🌷

Ok, I'm up for the challenge.

  1. Yes, you should have bought them.
  2. Because they're legit.
