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RE: Killing the rejects

in Reflections11 months ago

That group they assigned you made you a better leader, that's for sure, it made you learn faster, because you had to train them, help them, and the techniques you used are the ones I used when they assigned me a group to lead... when I was a supervisor.

I had those under my responsibility.... guys, very young, without experience, but like you, I highlighted the positive and I was solving the negative points.

Yes, I was also assigned people like that, but in my case people changed all the time and I was constantly with new people.

That helped me a lot, I learned how to lead, how to treat people of different ages.... my boss... a very bad leader, as I told you once, he even went to work having consumed... substances.

What kind of leader is that!


Seems like you were a good leader, well done. Do you still lead people now, or do those skills go unused?

No, I no longer lead, only myself, I left that job a long time ago. but what I learned I applied to myself... although I do share with people around me and something of what I learned always comes up