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RE: Health to Wealth

in Reflections2 months ago

I personally wouldn't trust AI with any sort of accuracy regarding numbers... but I like the general idea of what you're suggesting.

It is incredibly hard not to put on weight in the US because the vast majority of food has sugar or corn syrup or whatever in it... just having someone educate families on just the daily/weekly foods to be consumed to fit particular goals would likely save billions in healthcare.

Preventative spend is so much more efficient. Colonoscopies are obviously easier and cheaper than chemo, regular dentist checkups can prevent literal thousands of dollars in dental care, etc.


I personally wouldn't trust AI with any sort of accuracy regarding numbers...

I don't know how it would look, but I don't trust them either. I think it would be more in support of the human interaction, to keep it going between visits.

just having someone educate families on just the daily/weekly foods to be consumed to fit particular goals would likely save billions in healthcare.

And having someone to be there regularly to encourage results, would be huge.

Preventative spend is so much more efficient.

In the EU, Finland used to spend near the least on healthcare, but the most on preventative. The current total for all is around 9% of GDP, including what the consumer pays. How is it 17% in the US - especially considering the results? Seems that someone is making money for little impact.

I mean honestly, there's so much you could do in this space. I would support using tax dollars for something like this, especially since you'd see the best results and the biggest societal gains from the groups of people who could least afford it.

People don't realize how much potential GDP is lost through sickness. It's massive.

Ignoring the authoritarianism and genocide for a moment, I do feel like this is the main difference between China and the USA. China seems to be about efficiency and stability, so huge investments in infrastructure, housing, health, etc whereas the USA seems to be all about individuals making as much as they can, despite the societal consequences, and no where is this more obvious than in the healthcare industry. I don't have exact numbers, but I assume 90% of Americans are one health-crisis away from bankruptcy. One of my friends in Florida told me yesterday that going to the hospital is not an option for anyone in her family.