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RE: Summer Reflection #29: Lock 'em Out

in Reflections6 months ago

Brother, little by little users are becoming proactive, the problem is that some of them only focus their interest on the monetary aspect, and I am not talking about economic needs that lead them to it…

It is unfortunate that we do not give the right value to HIVE, that we do not reinvest in it. It's like the fable of the Goose with the hourly eggs, everyone is watching every egg it lays and no one feeds it.

I am an optimist and I have a feeling that with the H28 update, the conscience of most users will change.


I don't know the story of the hourly eggs - is that a Venezuelan thing?

I don't think hardforks will change the mind, until the focus on the users, not the infra - but the infra is highly important.