Time management is a topic assigned to us recently by our professor to write an assignment on.
It is a dire need of today's world to manage their time as a lot of social media addicts are showing up in this generation. I don't know what is the condition there in Australia but here in Pakistan people are really committed to their mobile phones.
Even this guy(me) sometimes spend hours in washroom (just because I lost in my mobile phone and forget where I was).
And to answer the question that would you prefer to know when it would end?
Actually no, I am happy now because I don't know if I am going to die the next moment or the next day or whatever time it is. But if it was known I might have gone into depression (:
Yeah mate, so many people have their face glued to their devices looking at I don't know what, Facebook I guess. It's the same around the world, or so I have observed as I've travelled. I hate social media and gaming which means I don't have to stare at my phone much.
I agree, it may be a little confronting knowing when one may die, but I reckon it would help motivate people to cram as much into life as possible.
Well, I will consider it a blessing for you that you are away from this social media and gaming thing.
I am into it but sometimes I just hate this thing because it takes so much time.
Well, that's also a thing. When the death time will be known, people will consider living more than wasting their time in useless activities
You say, useless activities. Do you engage in any yourself and what are they?
I do gaming a lot. I am a regular player of free fire (a mobile game).
Also I am active on Facebook and WhatsApp. Sometimes I regret being so addicted to these things but it is what it is.
No, you're wrong. It is what you're making it through choices you are making.
I asked you what activities you deem as useless and you answered with the above. I wonder in what ways you might add real value to your life if you didn't choose to engage in these useless activities. A moot point I guess since addiction causes you to spent time on useless pursuits rather than in more productive ways. I also wonder if you'll look back on your life and regret wasting some of it. Time will tell.
Well, let's see what time has for us.
But here is an interesting point...
Since I have joined the hive, I am spending more time on it which means giving more time to my real life and then writing about it one hive. It is so much fun, also meeting new people. Like if hive wasn't there I could never have known that there is a person named Galenkp existing on this planet. That's why i sometimes say hive is a blessing for many.
This might help me to get rid of those addictions.
Real life mate, that's where you should be focused. That phone game you're playing has nothing of value in it. Zero value.