Congratulations! An overused word but expressed with sincerity. I am so happy for you, @mobbs. To find someone you love and who loves you, to bond with that person's family--it is a rare gift.
I'm so sorry I missed this post! I can only tell that besides being happy for you, I can relate (as I think you know). It takes an introvert to appreciate an introvert. You don't have to apologize for being who you are.
May you and your wife (wife!) have many happy years together.
Wooo thanks! You didn't 'miss' a post at all haha, that's thinking only in terms of payout deadlines. But it will always be here!
I truly appreciate the congrats and the inherent understanding of the complicated journey this is all going to become. Always a wholesome feeling knowing the journey can be shared.
Time to return the favour and update myself on the old LMAC masterpieces you've been working on =D