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RE: In pursuit of time

in Reflections10 months ago

I always try to be very honest around here.

I worked all my life for nothing, and I always arrived on Friday tired and unsatisfied, wanting to disconnect in a thousand ways, and there were few times when I could afford a trip to the beach with friends, a night out, a few days away from my environment.

But some time ago I discovered what it is to work for oneself and that's when I understood the meaning that I can truly give to my life.
These last 6 years have been very intense but they have allowed me activities that I could not do before...especially because now I can disconnect from the secondary, delegate it to the background and understand that I can not spend the energies that remain to my fifty years on things now subjective (before very objective).

Maybe you don't understand, but now I have a little more freedom to not let myself be exploited by others and decide what to do with my time and for myself.


I have had a business of my own for the last 33 years but I do not work in it - Still own it and it's going strong.

I also owned and operated a property development company of my own (that I did work in for years) so I get what you're saying, it's a lot of work but offers a degree of freedom also.

I work for a very large organisation now and it's bonkers how busy I ai happy doing it? Not really, but I'm good at it and it pays very well. I'm not sure if a change is on the horizon, maybe it is, but for now I'll try and manage the scenario and make it work as best I can.

So anyway, I'd not go as far as saying, I don't understand you', because I understand very well indeed however we each have different levels of tolerance and abilities to deal with things right?

Yes, sorry...I didn't mean to underestimate you at all.
I always have a hard time explaining something without giving details and that's what you are very good at...we women almost always over talk and I try to learn not to do that ..😂

Maybe, maybe I wouldn't have been able to deal with more, but maybe I could, I know. Ah!!!!@galenkp, you have been able to get to places unimaginable to me, and I have read that you come from a humble family, so your success is due to your own values as a person.In this place where I live , in my time, if you are not a hypocrite you were nobody, just the same it is not important anymore.

So, you feel free to pay yourself a trip to the cosmos , if you want of course, a trip to the islands of Indonesia and annihilate all the big ugly lizards over there ( I hate dragons 😂)...whatever makes you happy and again a recharged and new man....don't think about it so much.
But don't stop writing over here, that's for you and us to enjoy.

No apology needed.

Yes, I came from a humble begging and yes I've worked incredibly hard my whole life to be where I am now, some would say too hard. I think that's the thing, I've formed a habit and it's stuck with me and sometimes I push myself a little too far. I try to balance it out and mostly succeed, but not always.

I will find the break I need, I always do, I just have to work harder at finding the time.

Thanks for your comment, hopefully you're having a good week.

I will find the rest I need, I always do, I just have to work harder to find the time.

I understand!

Best wishes to you.