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RE: The Summer That Made Me a Better Educator

in Reflections3 months ago

Awwww it's so nice reading this blog! It reminded me a lot of my ESL teaching experience last summer too. It was the very first time I found spark in teaching. Education isn't my first choice for my course in college to be honest, it's just something I decided to do for practicality purposes and as a stepping stone for what I really dream to do. But that particular experience I had last July 2024 just filled my heart with so much warmth. That's when I thought, maybe this is what I am made to be -- I want to keep teaching foreign students the English language; help them close the gaps and to help them better connect with other people from all over the world.


Samee, education was never in my plan as well but I am slowly loving it! Learn to love as they say. So glad to hear that we're on the same page ❤️